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Last active February 18, 2016 10:58
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Swift implementation of Soroush Khanlou's keyboard manager view controller
extension UIEdgeInsets {
static var zero: UIEdgeInsets {
return UIEdgeInsetsZero
// Inspired by "Many Controllers Make Light Work" by Soroush Khanlou
class KeyboardManagerViewController: UIViewController {
let scrollView: UIScrollView
let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
var oldInsets: UIEdgeInsets =
init(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
self.scrollView = scrollView
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.view.alpha = 0.0
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
center.addObserver(self, selector: "keyboardAppeared:", name:UIKeyboardDidShowNotification, object: nil)
center.addObserver(self, selector: "keyboardDisappeared:", name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil)
override func viewWillDisappear(animated: Bool) {
center.removeObserver(self, name:UIKeyboardDidShowNotification, object: nil)
center.removeObserver(self, name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil)
// Inspired by
typealias KeyboardNotificationInfo = (duration: NSTimeInterval, height: CGFloat, animationOptions: UIViewAnimationOptions)
func parseKeyboardNotification(notification: NSNotification) -> KeyboardNotificationInfo? {
guard let userInfo = notification.userInfo else { return nil }
guard let duration: NSTimeInterval = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey]?.doubleValue else { return nil }
// Convert animation curve to animation options:
guard let optionsInteger = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey]?.unsignedIntegerValue else { return nil }
let options = UIViewAnimationOptions(rawValue: optionsInteger << 16)
guard let keyboardFrame = userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey]?.CGRectValue else { return nil }
return (duration: duration, height: keyboardFrame.height, animationOptions: options)
func keyboardAppeared(notification: NSNotification) {
guard let info = parseKeyboardNotification(notification) else { return }
oldInsets = scrollView.contentInset
let newInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top:, left: 0, bottom: info.height, right: 0)
scrollView.contentInset = newInsets
scrollView.scrollIndicatorInsets = newInsets
func keyboardDisappeared(notification: NSNotification) {
scrollView.contentInset = oldInsets
scrollView.scrollIndicatorInsets = oldInsets
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