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## postinstall
# This script is for Pro Tools 11.3 - it performs functions that would normally ask for admin privileges when Pro Tools is launched for the first time.
# It checks that Pro Tools has already been installed and will not run if it hasn't.
if [[ -d "$3/Applications/Pro" ]]; then
echo "Pro Tools has been installed, running post-install tasks…"
# Let's declare a couple of variables because the author is lazy
# Copy the com.avid.bsd.shoe Helper Tool
/bin/cp -f "$3/Applications/Pro" $PHT_SHOE
/usr/sbin/chown root:wheel $PHT_SHOE
/bin/chmod 544 $PHT_SHOE
# Create the Launch Daemon Plist for com.avid.bsd.shoe
/bin/rm "$PLIST" # In case Pro Tools has been updated from a previous version
/usr/bin/defaults write $PLIST Label -string com.avid.bsd.shoe
/usr/bin/defaults write $PLIST MachServices -dict com.avid.bsd.shoe -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write $PLIST ProgramArguments -array /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.avid.bsd.shoe
/bin/chmod 644 $PLIST
/bin/launchctl load $PLIST
# Create folders for AAX Plus-Ins
/bin/mkdir -p "$3/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins"
/bin/mkdir -p "$3/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins (Disabled)"
/bin/chmod a+w "$3/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins"
/bin/chmod a+w "$3/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins (Disabled)"
# Create folders for shared content
/bin/mkdir "$3/Users/Shared/Pro Tools"
/bin/mkdir $3/Users/Shared/AvidVideoEngine
/usr/sbin/chown -R root:wheel "$3/Users/Shared/Pro Tools"
/usr/sbin/chown -R root:wheel $3/Users/Shared/AvidVideoEngine
/bin/chmod -R a+rw "$3/Users/Shared/Pro Tools"
/bin/chmod -R a+rw $3/Users/Shared/AvidVideoEngine
# Remove old workspace to avoid nag message if upgrading from a previous version of Pro Tools
/bin/rm "$3/Users/Shared/Pro Tools/Workspace.wksp"
# Done.
echo "Pro Tools is not installed, will not run post-install tasks"
exit 0
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Thanks to Ryan Manly (rmanly) for the original inspiration behind this script - modified to use defaults instead of plistbuddy, updated name of the infamous Shoe Tool, and behaves with a bit of logic (will not run if Pro Tools application bundle is not present).

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