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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Calculate solutions to the 8 queens on a 5x5 board problem
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.List (intersperse, intersect, (\\))
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
-- Generate the list of possible choices of n items from a list
-- Each choice is a pair of the chosen and not-chosen items
choices 0 xs = [([], xs)]
choices _ [] = []
choices n (x:xs) = map (first (x:)) (choices (n-1) xs) ++ map (second (x:)) (choices n xs)
-- The list of positions that can be taken by a queen at position (r, c)
sightings (r, c) =
[ (y, c) | y <- [0..4], y /= r ] ++
[ (r, x) | x <- [0..4], x /= c ] ++
[ (y, x) | y <- [0..4], y /= r, let x = c-r+y, 0 <= x && x <= 4 ] ++
[ (y, x) | y <- [0..4], y /= r, let x = c+r-y, 0 <= x && x <= 4 ]
-- Remove positions that are visible from a white position
prune (ws, rest) = (ws, foldl (\\) rest $ map sightings ws)
-- Arrange blacks in whatever remains
blacken = second (map fst . choices 5)
-- Change a first with a list of seconds into a list of first and seconds
flatten (x, ys) = map (x,) ys
-- Lists of positions and arrangements
everywhere = [(r, c) | r <- [0..4], c <- [0..4]]
whitings = choices 3 everywhere
solutions = concatMap (flatten . blacken . prune) whitings
-- Put the given arrangement of pieces on a board
arrange (whites, blacks) = [[color (r, c) | c <- [0..4]] | r <- [0..4]]
where color p
| p `elem` whites = 'W'
| p `elem` blacks = 'B'
| otherwise = '-'
-- Render a board as a multi-line string
showBoard = unlines . map (intersperse ' ')
-- Output all the solutions
main = forM_ solutions $ \s -> do
putStrLn . showBoard . arrange $ s
hFlush stdout
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