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Created January 19, 2021 06:14
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  • Save neilpanchal/b469865504e76f981392dade267bb6ab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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RIP vim. I did try.
" Neil's .vimrc file.
set nocompatible " NEVER change this! Use Vim mode, not vi mode.
filetype plugin indent on " Enable automatic settings based on file type
syntax on " Enable colour syntax highlighting
" Options
" Use :help 'option (including the ' character) to learn more about each one.
" Buffer (File) Options:
set hidden " Edit multiple unsaved files at the same time
set confirm " Prompt to save unsaved changes when exiting
" Keep various histories between edits
set viminfo='1000,f1,<500,:100,/100,h
" Search Options:
set hlsearch " Highlight searches. See below for more.
set ignorecase " Do case insensitive matching...
set smartcase " ...except when using capital letters
set incsearch " Incremental search
" Insert (Edit) Options:
set backspace=indent,eol,start " Better handling of backspace key
set autoindent " Sane indenting when filetype not recognised
set cindent " Automatically indent after pressing Enter
set smartindent " Same as above
set nostartofline " Emulate typical editor navigation behaviour
set nopaste " Start in normal (non-paste) mode
set pastetoggle=<f11> " Use <F11> to toggle paste modes
" Status / Command Line Options:
set wildmenu " Better commandline completion
set wildmode=longest:full,full " Expand match on first Tab complete
set showcmd " Show (partial) command in status line.
set laststatus=2 " Always show a status line
set cmdheight=2 " Prevent "Press Enter" messages
" Show detailed information in status line
set statusline=%f%m%r%h%w\ [%n:%{&ff}/%Y]%=[0x\%04.4B][%03v][%p%%\ line\ %l\ of\ %L]
" Interface Options:
set number " Display line numbers at left of screen
set visualbell " Flash the screen instead of beeping on errors
set t_vb= " And then disable even the flashing
set mouse=a " Enable mouse usage (all modes) in terminals
" Quickly time out on keycodes, but never time out on mappings
set notimeout ttimeout ttimeoutlen=200
" Indentation Options:
set tabstop=8 " NEVER change this!
" Change the '2' value below to your preferred indentation level
set shiftwidth=2 " Number of spaces for
set softtabstop=2 " ...each indent level
set shortmess+=I " Disable the default Vim startup message.
set number relativenumber " Show relative line numbers.
set backspace=indent,eol,start " Set backspace key to something reasonable.
" When entering insert mode, relative line numbers are turned off,
" leaving absolute line numbers turned on.
:augroup numbertoggle
: autocmd!
: autocmd BufEnter,FocusGained,InsertLeave * set relativenumber
: autocmd BufLeave,FocusLost,InsertEnter * set norelativenumber
:augroup END
" Disable audible bell because it's annoying.
set noerrorbells visualbell t_vb=
" Maps
" F1 to be a context sensitive keyword-under-cursor lookup
nnoremap <F1> :help <C-R><C-W><CR>
" Reformat current paragraph
nnoremap Q gqip
" Move cursor between visual lines on screen
nnoremap <Up> gk
nnoremap <Down> gj
" Map Y to act like D and C, i.e. to yank until EOL, rather than act as yy,
" which is the default
map Y y$
" Map <C-L> (redraw screen) to also turn off search highlighting until the
" next search
nnoremap <C-L> :nohl<CR><C-L>
" Toggle search highlighting
nnoremap <C-Bslash> :set hls!<bar>:set hls?<CR>
inoremap <C-Bslash> <Esc>:set hls!<bar>:set hls?<CR>a
" Unbind some useless/annoying default key bindings.
nmap Q <Nop> " 'Q' in normal mode enters Ex mode. You almost never want this.
" Disable arrow keys
nnoremap <Left> :echoe "Use h"<CR>
nnoremap <Right> :echoe "Use l"<CR>
nnoremap <Up> :echoe "Use k"<CR>
nnoremap <Down> :echoe "Use j"<CR>
inoremap <Left> <ESC>:echoe "Use h"<CR>
inoremap <Right> <ESC>:echoe "Use l"<CR>
inoremap <Up> <ESC>:echoe "Use k"<CR>
inoremap <Down> <ESC>:echoe "Use j"<CR>
set noswapfile
let &t_SI = "\<ESC>]50;CursorShape=1\x7"
let &t_SR = "\<ESC>]50;CursorShape=2\x7"
let &t_EI = "\<ESC>]50;CursorShape=0\x7"
nnoremap <silent> <ESC><ESC> <ESC>:nohlsearch<CR><ESC>
highlight LineNrAbove term=bold cterm=NONE ctermfg=DarkGrey ctermbg=NONE gui=NONE guifg=DarkGrey guibg=NONE
highlight LineNrBelow term=bold cterm=NONE ctermfg=DarkGrey ctermbg=NONE gui=NONE guifg=DarkGrey guibg=NONE
" Auto commands
if has("autocmd")
augroup filetype
" Remove ALL autocommands for the current group.
" Jump to last-known-position when editing files
" Note: The | character is used in Vim as a command separator (like ; in C)
autocmd BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g`\"" | endif
augroup END
" Vim-plug
call plug#begin()
Plug 'tpope/vim-sensible'
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree', { 'on': 'NERDTreeToggle' }
Plug ''
call plug#end()
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I've learned a bunch from this experiment. Most cool things that vim has to offer can be done with mouse + multiple cursors + regex in PyCharm. Kudos to Ideavim, that extention is outstanding emulation of the real thing and it's super fast.

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