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Forked from tuhlmann/SnomDialer.scpt
Last active July 6, 2018 14:28
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A simple AppleScript that plugs into macOS's "Contacts" application, to let you dial a number with your Snom phone
Automatic SNOM Dialer v0.3
Based on gist by Torsten Uhlmann, (
based on Automatic Vonage Dialer by Aaron Freimark,, March 16, 2004
For macOS High Sierra, put this script into ~/Library/Application Scripts/
*** Modify the first three lines below with your info ***
property mySnomLogin : "yourLoginHere"
property mySnomPassword : "yourPasswordHere"
property mySnomPhoneAddress : "serverAddress"
using terms from application "Address Book"
on action property
return "phone"
end action property
on action title for pers with fone
return "Snom: " & value of fone
end action title
on should enable action for pers with fone
if label of fone contains "fax" then return false
return true
end should enable action
on perform action for pers with fone
set numToDial to (value of fone) as string
--Uncomment the following two lines to confirm the number
--display dialog "So you want me to call?" default answer numToDial buttons {"OK"}
--set numToDial to text returned of the result
--Erase everything that's not a digit from the phone number
set cleanedNumber to CleanTheNumber(numToDial)
-- Change URL to https if you have https set up
set theURL to "http://" & mySnomLogin & ":" & mySnomPassword & "@"
set theURL to theURL & mySnomPhoneAddress & "/command.htm?number=" & cleanedNumber
-- Use curl to hit the URL and dial the number
set errorCode to do shell script "curl \"" & theURL & "\""
--If there was an error, return a message.
if (characters 1 thru 3 of errorCode) as string is not equal to "000" then
display dialog "Error: " & errorCode buttons {"OK"}
end if
end perform action
end using terms from
on CleanTheNumber(numToDial) -- remove punctuation from a string, leaving just the number
set theDigits to {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"}
set cleanedNumber to ""
repeat with i from 1 to length of numToDial
set j to (character i of numToDial)
if j = "+" then set cleanedNumber to cleanedNumber & "00"
if j is in theDigits then set cleanedNumber to cleanedNumber & j
end repeat
return cleanedNumber
end CleanTheNumber
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