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Last active March 10, 2019 01:25
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dropdown terminal for i3?
# Usage:
# Just call it to open the terminal, call it again to close it.
# If you're familliar with tmux, it also sets a session group, so maybe this
# could be extended to utilize those in some way, but I'm probably not going
# to do that myself.
# Actually, if you want, you can take bin/tmx from my Dotfiles repo and use
# that instead if you really wanted to have manual access, but I'm not sure how
# much anyone cares about that.
start_terminal() {
TERM_ID="$(i3-msg -t get_tree | jq '.. | select(.marks? | contains(["dropdown"])?) | .id')"
if [[ -z $TERM_ID ]]; then
urxvt -T dropdown -e "$DROPDOWN_SCRIPT" "$DROPDOWN_ARG" &
i3-msg "[con_id=$TERM_ID] kill"
start_dropdown() {
# set_urxvt_title() {
# echo -ne "\033]0;$1\007"
# }
# set_urxvt_title dropdown
while ! i3-msg '[title="^dropdown$"] mark dropdown' | jq -e '.[].success'; do
if [[ $count -gt 20 ]]; then
echo "Attempt to mark container timed out."
sleep 3
exit 1
echo "Could not mark container. Does it exist?"
sleep 0.1
# Float, resize, and move the dropdown terminal.
i3-msg '[con_mark="^dropdown$"] floating enable, sticky enable, resize set width 100 ppt height 50 ppt, move position 0 0'
# Attach or create a tmux session named dropdown.
tmux attach-session -t dropdown >/dev/null \
|| tmux new-session -t dropdown -s dropdown
# In new-session only, the -t flag actually sets a group, which might be
# useful to people familliar with tmux. It's not used at all here, but for
# the sake of being able to add it later without having to recreate the
# session, it's included anyway.
# Check if the script was called by itself using the magic word.
# Otherwise, perform as normal.
case $1 in
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