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Last active August 25, 2019 21:15
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while loops and metascript (has README)
# Setting up `whileread.zsh` is special because it checks its own filename to
# know how to behave. You can put the actual file anywhere you want, just
# symlink it correctly.
ln -s whileread.zsh ~/bin/whread.zsh
ln -s whileread.zsh ~/bin/whless.zsh
# Usage for [ LOCATION [ FLAGS [ LANG [ DELAY ]]]]
Location, flags, and lang specs can be found at ``
The location can be empty string (put '' or "" instead of a name)
Delay is in seconds.
# Personally, I use these two: "" Fn2 eo 3600 moon Fn2 eo 3600
# Update, apparently '~' as a location works as well as empty string, and might
# be less awkward in wherever you call this from.
# set -x
local -a AT=("$@")
[[ -z $REDRAW ]] && REDRAW=$((60*15))
# F=$0
# F=${${0:A:t}%.zsh}
inner() {
eval "${(@)AT}"
# Notes - 2019-07-24 21:01:54
# The job-kill method could theoretically be made into its
# own function, individual to each method, rather than
# being forcefully embedded into the outer_func() command.
# This would be smart, and technically I could declare that
# the redraw_func() be run as a job at the end of the
# script, thereby making the job-kill command be generic
# to all methods.
# However, I can't be bothered to give a shit to implement
# anything completely right now, so REDRAW is only useful
# for less-mode operation.
# Future me, if this annoys you: I'm sorry.
# Weather update:
# You can't really see 'read' statements from... wait, but
# I call bash's 'read'.
# Either way, I should be implementing REDRAW into the
# -t flag for 'read'. So, cleanup_func can be used for
# anything I might want to do, and otherwise be aliased.
# Yeah, so... ultimately, how it currently is, that's
# probably what's best for it.
case "$F" in
outer_func() {
tput reset
# job to defeat metal gear (redraw after timer)
sleep $REDRAW
pkill -fx -P $$ 'less -R'
} &
inner | less -R
cleanup_func() {
# if metal gear died on its own, kill snake
[[ -n $jobstates ]] && kill ${${jobstates##*:*:}%=*}
# Disabling this because it's slow. Uncomment it if whless.zsh
# reloads the display two times right in a row. - 2019-08-25 15:54:31
# sleep 2
[[ -n $jobstates ]] && kill ${${jobstates##*:*:}%=*}
logic_func() {
bash -c 'read -s -t 2'
[[ $e == 1 ]] && return 1
return 0
outer_func() {
tput reset
alias cleanup_func=true
logic_func() {
bash -c "read -s -t $REDRAW"
[[ $e == 1 ]] && return 1
return 0
>&2 {
echo "Bad filename"
echo "\$0: ${(q-)0}"
echo "\$F: ${(q-)F}"
exit 1
while logic_func ; do
# sleep 1
# espeak 'final cleanup'
[[ -z $3 ]] || wttr_lang="$3."
[[ -z $wttr_redraw ]] && wttr_redraw="$4"
[[ -z $wttr_redraw ]] && wttr_redraw="$REDRAW"
[[ -z $wttr_redraw ]] && wttr_redraw=$((60*15))
REDRAW="$wttr_redraw" whless.zsh \
"date '+%A, %B %-d, %H:%M'" \
'&&' \
"curl -s --compressed '${wttr_lang}${wttr_opt}?${wttr_flags}'"
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