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Created September 6, 2014 05:20
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Swift-JSONを自分なりに書いてみる練習 (書きかけ)
import Cocoa
let JSONErrorDomain: String = "JSONErrorDomain"
enum JSONErrorCode: Int {
case InvalidData = 0
@objc class JSON: NSObject {
private(set) var object: AnyObject?
@objc(isValid) var valid: Bool {
get {
if object != nil {
return NSJSONSerialization.isValidJSONObject(object!)
} else {
return false
init(object: AnyObject?) {
self.object = object
convenience init(data: NSData, error: NSErrorPointer) {
self.init(object: NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: nil, error: error))
convenience init(string: String, error: NSErrorPointer) {
if let data = string.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding) {
self.init(object: NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: nil, error: error))
} else {
self.init(object: nil)
error.memory = NSError(
domain: JSONErrorDomain,
code: JSONErrorCode.InvalidData.toRaw(),
userInfo: nil
extension JSON {
override var description: String {
if object != nil {
return "\(object!)"
} else {
return "nil"
extension JSON {
subscript(key: NSCopying) -> JSON {
if let dictionary = object as? NSDictionary {
if let object: AnyObject = dictionary[key] {
return JSON(object: object)
return JSON(object: nil)
subscript(index: UInt) -> JSON {
if let array = object as? NSArray {
return JSON(object: array[Int(index)])
return JSON(object: nil)
extension JSON {
var isNil: Bool { return object == nil }
var asArray: NSArray { return object as NSArray }
var asDictionary: NSDictionary { return object as NSDictionary }
var asString: String { return object as String }
var asInt: Int { return object as Int }
var asBool: Bool { return object as Bool }
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