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Created June 6, 2016 22:49
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tap 'homebrew/boneyard'
tap 'homebrew/brewdler'
tap 'homebrew/core'
tap 'homebrew/dupes'
tap 'homebrew/python'
tap 'homebrew/science'
tap 'homebrew/versions'
tap 'homebrew/x11'
tap 'neovim/neovim'
tap 'peco/peco'
tap 'supermomonga/splhack'
tap 'tcnksm/ghr'
tap 'telemachus/desc'
brew 'autoconf'
brew 'autojump'
brew 'xz'
brew 'automake'
brew 'binutils'
brew 'bison'
brew 'icu4c'
brew 'boost'
brew 'pcre'
brew 'gettext'
brew 'git'
brew 'go'
brew 'docker'
brew 'boot2docker'
brew 'bsdmake'
brew 'pkg-config'
brew 'libpng'
brew 'freetype'
brew 'fontconfig'
brew 'pixman'
brew 'libffi'
brew 'glib'
brew 'cairo'
brew 'carthage'
brew 'casperjs'
brew 'readline'
brew 'cgdb'
brew 'chisel'
brew 'gmp'
brew 'isl'
brew 'cloog'
brew 'cmake'
brew 'cocot'
brew 'cscope'
brew 'libsodium'
brew 'zeromq'
brew 'czmq'
brew 'direnv'
brew 'doxygen'
brew 'eigen'
brew 'libtasn1'
brew 'nettle'
brew 'gnutls'
brew 'libtool'
brew 'jpeg'
brew 'libtiff'
brew 'sqlite'
brew 'gdbm'
brew 'openssl'
brew 'python'
brew 'little-cms'
brew 'little-cms2'
brew 'ilmbase'
brew 'openexr'
brew 'ghostscript'
brew 'mpfr'
brew 'libmpc'
brew 'gcc'
brew 'fftw'
brew 'gobject-introspection'
brew 'harfbuzz'
brew 'pango'
brew 'imagemagick'
brew 'emacs'
brew 'faac'
brew 'fdk-aac'
brew 'texi2html'
brew 'yasm'
brew 'x264'
brew 'lame'
brew 'xvid'
brew 'libogg'
brew 'libvorbis'
brew 'theora'
brew 'libvpx'
brew 'opencore-amr'
brew 'fribidi'
brew 'libass'
brew 'openjpeg'
brew 'snappy'
brew 'speex'
brew 'orc'
brew 'schroedinger'
brew 'opus'
brew 'ffmpeg'
brew 'fltk'
brew 'fontforge'
brew 'gflags'
brew 'ghi'
brew 'gibo'
brew 'git-lfs'
brew 'gnu-getopt'
brew 'git-now'
brew 'glog'
brew 'gnu-sed'
brew 'jasper'
brew 'graphicsmagick'
brew 'gsl'
brew 'gstreamer'
brew 'lua'
brew 'highlight'
brew 'hub'
brew 'ios-sim'
brew 'jbig2dec'
brew 'oniguruma'
brew 'jq'
brew 'lesstif'
brew 'leveldb'
brew 'sdl'
brew 'libdc1394'
brew 'libevent'
brew 'libgpg-error'
brew 'libgcrypt'
brew 'libksba'
brew 'libsvm'
brew 'libusb'
brew 'libvo-aacenc'
brew 'libxml2'
brew 'libxslt'
brew 'libyaml'
brew 'lmdb'
brew 'macvim', args: ['HEAD', 'with-lua']
brew 'markdown'
brew 'mecab'
brew 'mecab-ipadic'
brew 'memcached'
brew 'mercurial'
brew 'scons'
brew 'mongodb'
brew 'mysql'
brew 'nginx'
brew 'nkf'
brew 'node'
brew 'ossp-uuid'
brew 'pandoc'
brew 'peco'
brew 'perl-build'
brew 'phantomjs'
brew 'plenv'
brew 'postgresql'
brew 'proctools'
brew 'protobuf'
brew 'pup'
brew 'qt'
brew 'sip'
brew 'pyqt'
brew 'reattach-to-user-namespace'
brew 'redis'
brew 'rename'
brew 'rpm2cpio'
brew 'ruby-build'
brew 'shtool'
brew 'source-highlight'
brew 'sourcekitten'
brew 'sshrc'
brew 'swiftgen'
brew 'swiftlint'
brew 'szip'
brew 'tbb'
brew 'terminal-notifier'
brew 'texinfo'
brew 'tig'
brew 'tmux'
brew 'tree'
brew 'uncrustify'
brew 'vim', args: ['with-lua']
brew 'weechat'
brew 'wget'
brew 'xctool'
brew 'zsh'
brew 'homebrew/boneyard/celt'
brew 'homebrew/boneyard/p11-kit'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/screen'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/zlib'
brew 'homebrew/python/numpy'
brew 'homebrew/science/dotwrp'
brew 'homebrew/science/glpk'
brew 'homebrew/science/hdf5'
brew 'homebrew/science/metis'
brew 'homebrew/science/nlopt'
brew 'homebrew/science/openni'
brew 'homebrew/science/opencv', args: ['HEAD']
brew 'homebrew/science/opencv3'
brew 'homebrew/science/qhull'
brew 'homebrew/science/veclibfort'
brew 'homebrew/science/qrupdate'
brew 'homebrew/science/r'
brew 'homebrew/science/suite-sparse'
brew 'homebrew/versions/gmp4'
brew 'homebrew/versions/mpfr2'
brew 'homebrew/versions/libmpc08'
brew 'homebrew/versions/libpng12'
brew 'homebrew/versions/mysql55'
brew 'homebrew/x11/openmotif'
brew 'homebrew/x11/xpdf'
brew 'neovim/neovim/neovim'
brew 'supermomonga/splhack/gettext-mk'
brew 'tcnksm/ghr/ghr'
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