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Created September 26, 2019 09:35
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Create a Twitter list of following who suspected to be dangerous (AKA Naamn).
package main
import (
func main() {
// Twitter screen name
ownerScreenName := ""
// Twitter consumer and token keys
consumerKey := ""
consumerSecret := ""
accessToken := ""
accessSecret := ""
// Create config and token using keys
config := oauth1.NewConfig(consumerKey, consumerSecret)
token := oauth1.NewToken(accessToken, accessSecret)
// Authorize requests using OAuth1
httpClient := config.Client(oauth1.NoContext, token)
// Create Twitter client
client := twitter.NewClient(httpClient)
// Create a Twitter list for dangerous users if not exist
list, _, _ := client.Lists.Show(&twitter.ListsShowParams{Slug: "dangerous", OwnerScreenName: ownerScreenName})
if list.ID == 0 {
_, _, err := client.Lists.Create("Dangerous", &twitter.ListsCreateParams{})
if err != nil {
// List of following users
var users []twitter.User
var cursor int64 = -1
// Loop through following to fetch recent fifteen hundred
for i := 0; i < 15; i++ {
if cursor == 0 {
// Fetch the list of following
following, _, err := client.Friends.List(&twitter.FriendListParams{Count: 100, Cursor: cursor})
if err != nil {
// Merge to the list of users
users = append(users, following.Users...)
cursor = following.NextCursor
// Loop through the list of users, and add those you suspected
// to be dangerous, to a twitter list for manual review
for _, user := range users {
// Make sure user registered between 2018-2020
matched, _ := regexp.MatchString("201[89]", user.CreatedAt)
if !matched || user.FollowersCount < 1000 {
// Make sure number of following are more than half of followers
if user.FriendsCount/user.FollowersCount*100 < 50 {
// Add user to the list of dangerous people
_, err := client.Lists.MembersCreate(&twitter.ListsMembersCreateParams{ListID: list.ID, UserID: user.ID})
if err != nil {
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