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Last active August 9, 2020 17:06
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ブログ公開用データ: .gitconfig の一例
[url ""]
pushInsteadOf = # use SSH
name = ハトネコエ
email =
st = status
co = checkout
sw = switch
br = branch
a = add
c = commit
p = push
f = fetch
m = merge
sm = submodule
pl = pull --rebase
cl = clone --recursive
l3 = log -3
l5 = log -5
l7 = log -7
editor = emacs
autocrlf = false
ui = auto
default = upstream
[filter "lfs"]
clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
process = git-lfs filter-process
required = true
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