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Last active September 24, 2020 06:59
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  • Save nekop/39fbb69b13c26a6d3e3274ac00899377 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nekop/39fbb69b13c26a6d3e3274ac00899377 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Old for OpenShift 3.x
# If you prefer multiple files, you can split it:
# zcat *.txt.gz | awk 'BEGIN{f=""} match($0, /^+ ((oc|date).*)$/, a){f=a[1] ".txt"; gsub(/[ \/=]/,"_",f);} {print $0 >> f}'
if [ -z $PROJECT ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 PROJECT_NAME"
exit 1
echo "Generating OpenShift project dump, it takes about 20 sec - 2 min"
DEST=$PROJECT-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).txt.gz
set -x
oc whoami
oc project $PROJECT
oc version
oc status -v
oc get project $PROJECT -o yaml
oc get all,ds,pvc,hpa,quota,limits,sa,rolebinding,secret,cm -o wide
oc get all,ds,pvc,hpa,quota,limits,sa,rolebinding,secret,cm -o yaml
timeout 15 oc get event -w
PODS=$(oc get pod -o name)
for pod in $PODS; do
CONTAINERS=$(oc get $pod --template='{{range .spec.containers}}{{.name}}
for c in $CONTAINERS; do
oc logs $pod --container=$c --timestamps
oc logs -p $pod --container=$c --timestamps
# if admin get additional info
if [ "$(oc policy can-i get nodes)" == "yes" ]; then
oc get node -o wide
oc get node -o yaml
oc describe node
oc get hostsubnet
oc get scc -o yaml
oc get clusterrolebinding -o yaml
oc get storageclass -o wide
oc get storageclass -o yaml
oc get pv -o wide
oc get pv -o yaml
oc get pods -o wide --all-namespaces
) 2>&1 | gzip > $DEST
echo "Generated $DEST"
# end
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