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Created October 20, 2022 07:55
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const std = @import("std");
extern fn sigaltstack(ss: *const stack_t, oss: *stack_t) c_int;
const stack_t = extern struct {
sp: ?*anyopaque,
flags: c_int,
size: usize,
var newstack: [4096]usize = undefined;
pub fn enable() void {
const new = stack_t{ .sp = &newstack, .flags = 0, .size = @sizeOf(@TypeOf(newstack)) };
var old = stack_t{ .sp = null, .flags = 0, .size = 0 };
std.debug.assert(sigaltstack(&new, &old) == 0);
_ = std.os.linux.sigaction(std.os.linux.SIG.SEGV, &.{
.handler = .{ .handler = handle },
.mask = std.mem.zeroes(std.os.linux.sigset_t),
.flags = std.os.linux.SA.NODEFER | std.os.linux.SA.ONSTACK,
}, null);
fn handle(s: c_int) callconv(.C) void {
std.debug.print("\n", .{});
_ = s;
std.log.err("caught stack overflow", .{});
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