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Created July 11, 2013 01:35
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color() {
color-usage() {
cat <<"USAGE"
Usage: color [OPTIONS] <color>
-b|--bold for bold text
-i|--italic for italic text
-u|--underline for underlined text
-f|--flash for blinking text, not possible together with --bg
-r|--reverse to switch fg and bg colors
-/--bg <color> for background color
-d|--dark for fainted / less intense colors (your terminal may not support this)
-x|--invisible for invisible text (your terminal may not support this)
-ff|--fastflash for fast blinking text (your terminal may not support this), not possible together with --bg
Color can be: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white and lightblack, lightred etc.
Use "color" without specifying the color to reset to default.
1. You can not use blink in combination with --bg, but you can do -r instead and define <color> as desired bg-color. Example: color -f -r blue lets black text blink on blue background. This means you have the bg color as text color, which can't be changed."
2. Append $(color) behind the string you have formatted, or the color sequence may stay in effect, especially in bash.
3. You can combine options like -b -i -f, but be sensible; -x -f is not sensible; neither is -d lightred.
echo "This is $(color -f -i lightred)blinking italic lightred text$(color)"
echo "This is $(color -bg blue white)white text on blue bg$(color)"
echo "This shows words in $(color green)green $(color magenta)magenta $(color)and the rest normal"
echo "This shows $(color -f -r cyan)bold blinking text on cyan background$(color)"
# Define and create array "colors"
declare -A colors
colors=( [black]="0" [red]="1" [green]="2" [yellow]="3" [blue]="4" [magenta]="5" [cyan]="6" [white]="7" )
# Loop to read options and arguments
while [ $1 ]; do
case "$1" in
'-h'|'--help') color-usage;;
'-b'|'--bold') mode="${mode}1;";;
'-d'|'--dark') mode="${mode}2;";;
'-i'|'--italic') mode="${mode}3;";;
'-u'|'--underline') mode="${mode}4;";;
'-f'|'--flash') mode="${mode}5;";;
'-ff'|'--fastflash') mode="${mode}6;";;
'-r'|'--reverse') mode="${mode}7;";;
'-x'|'--invisible') mode="8;";;
'-bg'|'--bg') case "$2" in
light*) bgc=";10${colors[${2#light}]}"; shift;;
black|red|green|yellow|blue|magenta|cyan|white) bgc=";4${colors[$2]}"; shift;;
'reset') reset=true;;
*) case "$1" in
light*) fgc=";9${colors[${1#light}]}";;
black|red|green|yellow|blue|magenta|cyan|white) fgc=";3${colors[$1]}";;
*) echo The color loop is buggy or you used it wrong;;
# Set color sequence
mode="${mode%;}" # strip ";" from mode string if it ends with that
echo -e "\e[${mode:-0}${fgc}${bgc}m" # (default value for mode = 0, so if nothing was set, go default; -e to please bash)
unset mode intensity bgc fgc # clean up
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