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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Proxy a cache that only uses String key and values
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
trait StringDeserializer[T] {
def deserialize(s: String): T
trait StringSerializable[T] {
def serialize: String
class CacheProxy[K <: StringSerializable[K], V <: StringSerializable[V]]
(cache: ConcurrentHashMap[String, String])(implicit d: StringDeserializer[V]) {
def put(key: K, value: V) = cache.put(key.serialize, value.serialize)
def get(key: K): Option[V] = Option(cache.get(key.serialize)).map(d.deserialize)
case class Name(firstName: String, lastName: String) extends StringSerializable[Name] {
override def serialize: String = s"$firstName${NameDeserializer.delimiter}$lastName"
case class ContactInfo(phoneNumber: String, email: String) extends StringSerializable[ContactInfo] {
override def serialize: String = s"$phoneNumber${ContactInfoDeserializer.delimiter}$email"
implicit object NameDeserializer extends StringDeserializer[Name] {
val delimiter = '#'
override def deserialize(s: String): Name = {
val Array(firstName, lastName) = s.split(delimiter)
Name(firstName, lastName)
implicit object ContactInfoDeserializer extends StringDeserializer[ContactInfo] {
val delimiter = '#'
override def deserialize(s: String): ContactInfo = {
val Array(phoneNumber, email) = s.split(delimiter)
ContactInfo(phoneNumber, email)
val cache = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, String]()
val proxy = new CacheProxy[Name, ContactInfo](cache)
proxy.put(Name("James", "Kirk"), ContactInfo("917-123-4567", "james.kirk@enterprise.sf"))
println(proxy.get(Name("James", "Kirk")))
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