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Last active June 3, 2019 17:53
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  • Save nelimee/72ea7344c3d7e821bb569ae66ab78b61 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nelimee/72ea7344c3d7e821bb569ae66ab78b61 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Partially commented configuration file for deadd. ".ini" extension should be ".conf" on your computer, but is ".ini" here for Github code coloring.
# Margin at the top of the notification center in pixels.
# This can be used to avoid overlap between the notification center and
# bars such as polybar or i3blocks.
marginTop = 50
# Width of the notification center in pixels.
width = 750
# Monitor on which the notification center will be printed.
# NOTE: is the "0" value special? Because with this setting, the notification
# center appears on the focused monitor.
monitor = 0
# (Optional) Command to run at startup.
# This can be used to setup button states.
#startupCommand = "deadd-notification-center-startup"
# If newFirst is set to true, newest notifications appear on the top
# of the notification center. Else, notifications stack, from top to bottom.
newFirst = true
# If true, the transient field in notifications will be ignored and the
# notification will persist in the notifiction center anyways.
ignoreTransient = false
# If true, markup (<u>, <i>, <b>, <a>) will be displayed properly
useMarkup = true
# If set to true, the parameter noClosedMsg can be set on notifications.
# If noClosedMsg is set to true on a notification, DBUS NotificationClosed
# messages will not be send for this notification.
configSendNotiClosedDbusMessage = false
# See section "Notification based scripting" for an explanation
# match = "title=Abc;body=abc":"app=notify-send"
# modify = "transient=false"
# run = "":"killall notify-send"
# Default timeout used for notifications in milli-seconds.
# This can be overwritten with the "-t" option (or "--expire-time") of
# the notify-send command.
notiDefaultTimeout = 10000
# Margin above notifications (in pixels). This can be used to avoid overlap
# between notifications and a bar such as polybar or i3blocks.
distanceTop = 80
# NOTE: no "distanceBotton"?
# Margin on the right of the notification (in pixels).
distanceRight = 80
# Vertical distance between 2 notifications (in pixels).
distanceBetween = 20
# Width of the notifications.
width = 500
# Monitor on which the notification will be printed.
# NOTE: is the "0" value special? Because with this setting, the notification
# center appears on the focused monitor.
monitor = 0
# Note about colors:
# Colors can be represented in three different ways:
# 1. #RGB with "R", "G" and "B" hexadecimal numbers (0-9, A-F or a-f).
# 2. #RRGGBB with each occurence of "R", "G" and "B" are hexadecimal
# numbers (0-9, A-F or a-f).
# 3. rgba(R, G, B, A) where "R", "G" and "B" are between 0 and 255 and A
# is a floating point number between 0 and 1 representing the alpha
# channel (transparency).
# Background color for the notification popups.
# NOTE: change to "notificationBackground" or "notificationPopupBackground"?
notiBackground = rgba(20, 90, 22, 0.9)
# Color for the text (summary, body and application name) in notification popups.
# NOTE: change to "notiTextColor", "notificationTextColor" or even better
# "notificationPopupTextColor"?
notiColor = rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
# Background color for "critical" notification popups.
# NOTE: change to "criticalBackground" to be consistent with "notiBackground"?
# or maybe "criticalPopupBackground"?
critical = rgba(137, 13, 13, 0.9)
# Color for the text (summary, body and application name) in "critical" notification popups.
# NOTE: change to "criticalTextColor"
criticalColor = rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
# Background color for the notification center.
# NOTE: change to "centerBackground" or "notificationCenterBackground" or
# "notificationBackgroundInCenter" to be consistent with the next options?
background = rgba(40, 42, 54, 0.95)
# Background color for "critical" notifications in notification center.
# NOTE: change to "criticalNotificationBackgroundInCenter"?
criticalInCenter = rgba(137, 13, 13, 0.9)
# Color for the text (summary, body and application name) in "critical" notification in notification center.
# NOTE: change to "criticalNotificationTextColorInBackground"?
criticalInCenterColor = rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
# Color for the text in the buttons.
# NOTE: Can't find the purpose of these options. I do not see any
buttonColor = rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)
buttonHover = rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)
buttonHoverColor = rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)
buttonBackground = transparent
labelColor = rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
# This section deals with the buttons in the notification center. These buttons
# are **not** the buttons of the notifications present in the notification center,
# they are a different set of button that are only accessible from the notification
# center and that can be used to toggle wifi, VPN, bluetooth, ...
# Note: If you want your buttons in the notification center to be squares
# you should verify that the following equality holds:
# [notification-center]::width == [buttons]::buttonsPerRow * [buttons]::buttonHeight
# + ([buttons]::buttonsPerRow + 1) * [buttons]::buttonMargin
# Numbers of buttons that can be drawn on a row of the notification center.
# NOTE: this value is used to compute the width of each button?
buttonsPerRow = 5
# Height of buttons in the notification center (in pixels).
buttonHeight = 100
# NOTE: Horizontal (or vertical? or both?) margin between each button in the notification
# center (in pixels).
buttonMargin = 10
# Labels written on the buttons in the notification center.
# Labels should be written between quotes and separated by a colon. For example:
# labels = "VPN":"Bluetooth":"Wifi":"Screensaver"
labels = "Test0":"Test1":"Test2":"Test3":"Test4":"Test5"
# Each label is represented as a clickable button in the notification
# center. The commands variable below define the commands that should be
# launched when the user clicks on the associated button.
# There should be the same number of entries in `commands` and in `labels`
commands = "true":"true":"true":"true":"true":"true"
# Color of the labels of the buttons.
# NOTE: change to "buttonTextColorInCenter"?
buttonColor = rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
# Color of the buttons' background in the notification center.
# NOTE: change to "buttonBackgroundColorInCenter"?
buttonBackground = rgba(60, 62, 74, 0.95)
# Color of the buttons' background when hovered.
# NOTE: change to "buttonBackgroundColorWhenHoveredInCenter"?
buttonHover = rgba(50, 52, 64, 1)
# Color of the labels of the buttons when hovered.
# NOTE: change to "buttonTextColorInCenterWhenHovered"?
buttonHoverColor = rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
# Size of the text in **ALL** the buttons (notification center specific buttons, popups
# buttons and notification center popups buttons).
# NOTE: the ";" does not seem to be required, why is there a ";" in the example?
# NOTE: why is the "px" needed here? All the other values are in pixel by default, why not here?
buttonTextSize = 20
# NOTE: I haven't tried to guess the action of these options. Maybe another day? Or for someone else.
buttonState1 = rgba(0,0,0,0.9)
buttonState1Color = #000
buttonState1Hover = rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)
buttonState1HoverColor = #000
buttonState2 = rgba(0,0,0,0.9)
buttonState2Color = #000
buttonState2Hover = rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)
buttonState2HoverColor = #000
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