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Created January 10, 2019 14:21
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Implementation of a controlled Rzz gate in qiskit<0.7
# ======================================================================
# Copyright CERFACS (November 2018)
# Contributor: Adrien Suau (
# This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and
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# ======================================================================
"""This module contains functions to apply a controlled-RZZ gate.
The Rzz gate is a phase shift gate:
$R_{zz} = \begin{pmatrix}e^{i\theta} & 0\\0 & e^{i\theta}\end{pmatrix}$
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister
from qiskit.circuit import CompositeGate
QubitType = Tuple[QuantumRegister, int]
class CRZZGate(CompositeGate):
def __init__(self, theta: float, ctrl: QubitType, target: QubitType,
circuit: QuantumCircuit = None):
"""Initialize the CRzzGate class.
:param theta: Phase added to the quantum state of qubit.
:param ctrl: The control qubit used to control the RZZ gate.
:param target: The qubit on which the RZZ gate is applied.
:param circuit: The associated quantum circuit.
used_qubits = [ctrl, target]
super().__init__(self.__class__.__name__, # name
[theta], # parameters
used_qubits, # qubits
circuit) # circuit
self.cu1(theta, ctrl, target), target)
self.cu1(theta, ctrl, target), target)
def crzz(self, theta: float, ctrl: QubitType, target: QubitType) -> CRZZGate:
self._check_dups([ctrl, target])
return self._attach(CRZZGate(theta, ctrl, target, self))
QuantumCircuit.crzz = crzz
CompositeGate.crzz = crzz
qreg = QuantumRegister(3)
qcirc = QuantumCircuit(qreg)
qcirc.crzz(0.1, qreg[0], qreg[1])
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