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Last active September 21, 2020 09:22
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Implementation proposition for qiskit hardware API simplification
import logging
import pickle
import typing as ty
from pathlib import Path
import networkx as nx
from qiskit.circuit.quantumregister import Qubit
from qiskit.dagcircuit.dagcircuit import DAGNode
logger = logging.getLogger("IBMQHardwareArchitecture")
class HardwareArchitecture(nx.DiGraph):
def __init__(self, incoming_graph_data=None, **kwargs):
"""Base class for hardware architecture.
:param incoming_graph_data: forwarded to
:param kwargs: forwarded to
super().__init__(incoming_graph_data, **kwargs)
self._qubit_number = 0
def _is_valid_qubit(self, qubit: int) -> bool:
"""Check if the given qubit index is in the hardware or not."""
return qubit < self._qubit_number
def add_qubit(self, **qubit_data) -> int:
"""Add a qubit to the hardware architecture.
:param qubit_data: Any data related to the added qubit. For example,
qubit decoherence times, single qubit operations error rate or
execution time, ...
:return: the index of the added qubit.
self.add_node(self._qubit_number, **qubit_data)
self._qubit_number += 1
return self._qubit_number
def add_link(self, control: int, target: int, **link_data):
"""Add a directed link to the hardware architecture.
The control and target indices should:
1. not be equal.
2. already be present in the hardware description.
If one of control or target does not exist, calling this function
will raise an exception.
:param control: index of a qubit in the hardware.
:param target: index of a qubit in the hardware.
:return: the index of the added qubit.
:raise RuntimeError: when control or target is the index of a qubit
that is not in the hardware yet (i.e. no call to
:py:method:`add_qubit` returned this index) or when control and
target represent the same qubit.
if control == target:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot add self-links to hardware architecture.")
if not self._is_valid_qubit(control):
raise RuntimeError(
"The given control qubit is not registered in the hardware yet."
if not self._is_valid_qubit(target):
raise RuntimeError(
"The given target qubit is not registered in the hardware yet."
self.add_edge(control, target, **link_data)
def qubit_number(self):
return self._qubit_number
class IBMQHardwareArchitecture(HardwareArchitecture):
def _get_value(value: float, unit: str):
"""Internal method to harmonise units.
Default units are:
- nanoseconds for time.
- Hz for frequencies.
# We want time in nanoseconds
if unit == "us":
return value * 10 ** 3
elif unit == "ns":
return value
# We want everything in Hertz
elif unit == "GHz":
return value * 10 ** 9
elif unit == "":
return value
raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported unit: '{unit}'")
def _get_link_properties_dict(
backend_properties, source: int, sink: int
) -> ty.Dict[str, float]:
"""Extract properties dictionnary from the backend properties object.
The properties dictionnary returned by this method is composed of:
- property names (gate_error, gate_length) as keys.
- property values as values.
:param backend_properties: result of calling the `properties()` method on
one of the IBMQ backends.
:param source: source of the link we are interested in.
:param sink: sink of the link we are interested in.
:raise RuntimeError: if the link (source, sink) does not exist.
for gate in backend_properties.gates:
if gate.gate != "cx":
if len(gate.qubits) != 2:
if gate.qubits[0] == source and gate.qubits[1] == sink:
# Return the dictionary
properties = { IBMQHardwareArchitecture._get_value(
param.value, param.unit
for param in gate.parameters
return properties
# If we finish here this means that the link was not added to the hardware.
raise RuntimeError(
f'Trying to recover properties of link "{source} -> {sink}" that '
"is not present in the hardware architecture."
def _get_qubit_properties_dict(
backend_properties, qubit_index,
) -> ty.Dict[str, ty.Dict[str, float]]:
"""Extract properties dictionnary from the backend properties object.
The properties dictionnary returned by this method is composed of:
- single-qubit gate name (id, u1, u2, u3) as keys.
- a dictionnary as keys with:
- property names (gate_error, gate_length) as keys.
- property values as values.
:param backend_properties: result of calling the `properties()` method on
one of the IBMQ backends.
:param qubit_index: index of the qubit we are interested in.
:raise KeyError: if the given qubit_index is not present in the hardware.
qubit_properties = backend_properties.qubits
gates_properties = backend_properties.gates
properties = dict()
for prop in qubit_properties[qubit_index]:
properties[] = IBMQHardwareArchitecture._get_value(
prop.value, prop.unit
for gate in gates_properties:
# Filter the gates that are not interesting
if len(gate.qubits) > 1:
if gate.qubits[0] != qubit_index:
properties[gate.gate] = { IBMQHardwareArchitecture._get_value(param.value, param.unit)
for param in gate.parameters
return properties
def _get_backend(
backend_name: str,
hub: str = "ibm-q",
group: str = "open",
project: str = "main",
"""Returns the backend identified by the given name."""
from qiskit import IBMQ
from qiskit.providers.ibmq.exceptions import (
)"Loading IBMQ account.")
provider = IBMQ.get_provider(hub=hub, group=group, project=project)
except (
"WARNING: No valid IBMQ credentials found on disk.\n"
"You must store your credentials using "
"IBMQ.save_account(token, url).\n"
raise"Connected to IBMQ account!")"Getting backend '{backend_name}'.")
matching_backends = provider.backends(backend_name)
if not matching_backends:
raise RuntimeError(f"No backend matching the search '{backend_name}'.")
backend = matching_backends[0]
return backend
def __init__(
self, backend_name: str, **kwargs,
"""The architecture of any IBMQ hardware.
:param backend_name: name of the IBMQ backend that will be used to
build the architecture.
:param kwargs: forwarded to :py:method:`networkx.Digraph.__init__`.
self._ignored_gates = {"barrier"}
backend = IBMQHardwareArchitecture._get_backend(backend_name)
# Get the configuration data
backend_configuration = backend.configuration()
qubit_number = backend_configuration.n_qubits
coupling_map = backend_configuration.coupling_map
# Get the properties of the backend
backend_properties =
qubit_indices = list()
# Add the qubits with their properties (error rates?)
for qubit_index in range(qubit_number):
added_qubit_index = self.add_qubit(
backend_properties, qubit_index,
# Add the links between qubits
for source, sink in coupling_map:
backend_properties, source, sink
def qubits(self) -> ty.Iterable[int]:
yield from range(self.qubit_number)
def links(self) -> ty.Iterable[ty.Tuple[int, int]]:
yield from self.edges()
def draw(
edge_label_property: str = None,
pos: ty.Dict[ty.Tuple[int, int], ty.Tuple[float, float]] = None,
"""Draw the hardware topology.
:param edge_label_property: Key of the link property that should be plotted
alongside qubits and links. If None (default), no property is drawn on
the resulting plot.
:param pos: dictionary with nodes (tuples of ints) as keys and the
associated position (tuple of floats) as values. Default behaviour (None) is
to use networkx.spring_layout to compute the positions.
# Draw the circuit on the specified positions, with the node labels.
if pos is None:
pos = nx.spring_layout(self)
qubit_labels = {i: str(i) for i in self.nodes}
nx.draw(self, pos, labels=qubit_labels)
# Also include edge weights if asked
if edge_label_property is not None:
edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(self, edge_label_property)
for key, val in edge_labels.items():
edge_labels[key] = str(round(val, 2))
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(self, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels)
def get_link_execution_time(self, source: int, sink: int) -> float:
"""Returns the execution time of the CNOT gate between source and sink in \
return self.edges[source, sink]["gate_length"]
def get_link_error_rate(self, source: int, sink: int) -> float:
"""Returns the error rate of the CNOT gate between source and sink."""
return self.edges[source, sink]["gate_error"]
def get_qubit_execution_time(self, qubit_index: int, operation: str) -> float:
"""Returns the execution time of operation on the given qubit.
:param qubit_index: index of the qubit we are interested in.
:param operation: name of the quantum operation. For IBMQ hardware, it can be
either "id", "u1", "u2" or "u3".
:return: the execution time of operation on the given qubit.
return self.nodes[qubit_index][operation]["gate_length"]
def get_qubit_error_rate(self, qubit_index: int, operation: str) -> float:
"""Returns the error rate of operation on the given qubit.
:param qubit_index: index of the qubit we are interested in.
:param operation: name of the quantum operation. For IBMQ hardware, it can be
either "id", "u1", "u2" or "u3".
:return: the error rate of operation on the given qubit.
return self.nodes[qubit_index][operation]["gate_error"]
def get_qubit_T1(self, qubit_index: int) -> float:
"""Returns the T1 characteristic time for the given qubit index."""
return self.nodes[qubit_index]["T1"]
def get_qubit_T2(self, qubit_index: int) -> float:
"""Returns the T2 characteristic time for the given qubit index."""
return self.nodes[qubit_index]["T2"]
def get_qubit_frequency(self, qubit_index: int) -> float:
"""Returns the qubit frequency of the qubit pointed by qubit_index."""
return self.nodes[qubit_index]["frequency"]
def get_qubit_readout_error(self, qubit_index: int) -> float:
"""Returns the qubit readout error of the qubit pointed by qubit_index."""
return self.nodes[qubit_index]["readout_error"]
def is_ignored_operation(self, op: DAGNode) -> bool:
return in self._ignored_gates
def can_natively_execute_operation(
self, op: DAGNode, mapping: ty.Dict[Qubit, int],
) -> bool:
if self.is_ignored_operation(op):
return True
if len(op.qargs) == 1:
# If this is a 1-qubit operation, then the hardware can always execute it
# natively.
return True
elif len(op.qargs) == 2:
source = mapping[op.qargs[0]]
sink = mapping[op.qargs[1]]
return (source, sink) in self.edges
raise RuntimeError(
f"Found invalid operation acting on {len(op.qargs)} qubits. "
f"Ignoring the operation {} and exiting."
def save(self, path: Path):
with open(str(path), "wb") as f:"Saving IBMQHardwareArchitecture instance in '{path}'.")
pickle.dump(self, f)
def load(path: Path) -> "IBMQHardwareArchitecture":
with open(str(path), "rb") as f:"Loading IBMQHardwareArchitecture instance from '{path}'.")
return pickle.load(f)
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