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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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Transition probabilies: generating and displaying
# Simulation ##################
num_users <- 1000
#define transition probabilities between states
start_probs <- c("check" = .7, "save" = .2, "both" = .1)
check <- c("check" = .6, "save" = .05, "both" = .3, "none" = .05)
save <- c("check" = .1, "save" = .8, "both" = .05, "none" = .05)
both <- c("check" = .2, "save" = .2, "both" = .6, "none" = 0)
transition_matrix <- rbind(
cumulative_transition_matrix <- t(apply(transition_matrix,1,cumsum))
## create data ###
users <- data.frame(
date = 1,
id = sample(num_users:(num_users*10),size=num_users,replace=FALSE),
finst = sample(names(start_probs),size=num_users,prob=start_probs,replace=TRUE),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
## function to generate next day's state
markovTransition <- function(state_vector,trans_prob) {
# function to take a user and run transition probability
l = length(state_vector)
rands = runif(l)
result = rep(NA,l)
for (i in 1:l) {
(state <- state_vector[i])
result[i] = names(trans_prob[state,])[(sum(trans_prob[state,] < rands[i])+1)]
## let's generate for tomorrow ##
usersday2 <- data.frame(
date = 2,
id = users$id,
finst = markovTransition(users$finst,cumulative_transition_matrix),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Actual solution ##################
combined <- left_join(users,usersday2,by="id")
table(combined$finst.x,combined$finst.y)[c("check","save","both"),c("check","save","both", "none")]
# check save both none
# check 415 43 215 37
# save 20 154 10 10
# both 24 15 57 0
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