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Last active September 11, 2017 16:42
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StdLIb Distributed Scraper
const request = require('request-promise-native');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const parseAll = require('html-metadata').parseAll;
* A simple and powerful scraper
* @param {string} url Url to fetch
* @param {string} userAgent Request's User Agent
* @param {array} queries Queries to apply (using cheerio)
* @returns {object}
module.exports = async function (url, userAgent = 'stdlib-example/scraper v0.1', queries = [], context) {
let opts = {
url: url,
headers: {
'User-Agent': userAgent
transform: function (body) {
return cheerio.load(body);
let $;
let metadata;
try {
$ = await request(opts);
metadata = await parseAll($);
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err);
let result = {
url: url,
meta: metadata
* Queries Syntax
* --------------
* queries is an array of arrays that are formatted in the following way:
* CSS_SELECTOR: this is the css-selector query you'd like to make
* RESOLVER_FUNC: this is the function that we'll use on the selection in cheerio to resolve the data (e.g. text, or attr)
* RESOLVER_FUNC_ARGS: these are the arguments that are passed to the resolver.
* Example:
* [
* ['.repo-list-item h3 a', 'text'], // This will run $('.repo-list-item h3 a').text() on the content
* ['.repo-list-item h3 a', 'attr', ['ref']] // This will run $('.repo-list-item h3 a').attr('href') on the content
* ]
result.queries =, index) => {
if (!queryObj) {
return new Error(`Query at index ${index} doesn't exist`);
if (!Array.isArray(queryObj)) {
return new Error(`Query at index ${index} isn't an array`);
if (queryObj.length > 3 || queryObj.length < 2) {
return new Error(`Query at index ${index} has too few or too many arguments`);
if (queryObj.length === 3 && !Array.isArray(queryObj[2])) {
return new Error(`Query at index ${index} has resolver arguments but it's not an array.`);
// Actual query
let query = queryObj[0];
// How to resolve from dom (text, attr, etc.)
let resolver = queryObj[1];
// Arguments to pass to resolver
let resolverArgs = queryObj[2] || [];
let matches = $(query);
return (matches.length ? matches.toArray() : [matches]).map((el) => {
let $el = $(el);
return $el[resolver].apply($el, resolverArgs);
return result;
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