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Created July 25, 2020 20:11
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These function demonstrates how to change coordinate of the focused window
func moveWindow(_ appRef: AXUIElement, _ velocity: CGPoint) {
do {
var windowRef: AnyObject?
try appRef.copyAttributeValue(kAXFocusedWindowAttribute, &windowRef)
let windowElement: AXUIElement = windowRef as! AXUIElement
var positionRef: CFTypeRef?
try windowElement.copyAttributeValue(kAXPositionAttribute, &positionRef)
var position = CGPoint()
if !AXValueGetValue(positionRef as! AXValue, AXValueType.cgPoint, &position) {
throw AppError.accessibility("AXValueGetValue has failed")
position += velocity
if let positionAxValue = AXValueCreate(AXValueType.cgPoint, &position) {
try windowElement.setAttributeValue(kAXPositionAttribute, positionAxValue)
} catch let AppError.accessibility(message, code) {
debugPrint(message, code ?? "none")
} catch {
debugPrint("Unknown error has occurred.")
extension AXUIElement {
func copyAttributeValue(_ attribute: String, _ destination: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFTypeRef?>) throws {
let result = AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(self, attribute as CFString, destination)
if result != AXError.success {
throw AppError.accessibility("AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue has failed.", result.rawValue)
func setAttributeValue(_ attribute: String, _ value: AXValue) throws {
let result = AXUIElementSetAttributeValue(self, attribute as CFString, value)
if result != AXError.success {
throw AppError.accessibility("AXUIElementSetAttributeValue has failed", result.rawValue)
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