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Last active August 17, 2018 06:35
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#!/usr/bin/env php
define('MIGRATIONS_DIR', 'app/DoctrineMigrations');
list(, $previousHead, $currentHead) = $argv;
$excessMigrations = getExcessMigrations($previousHead, $currentHead);
removeExcessMigrations($excessMigrations, $previousHead);
function addMissingMigrations()
passthru('php app/console --ansi doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction');
function removeExcessMigrations(array $excessMigrations, $previousHead)
foreach ($excessMigrations as $missingMigration) {
$migrationFilePath = filePathOfMigration($missingMigration);
passthru(sprintf('git checkout %s %s', $previousHead, $migrationFilePath));
passthru(sprintf('git reset HEAD %s', $migrationFilePath));
$output = runProccess(sprintf('php app/console --ansi doctrine:migrations:execute %s --down --no-interaction', $missingMigration));
echo $output->getStdout(), $output->getStderr();
if (strlen($output->getStderr())) {
function getExcessMigrations($previousHead, $currentHead)
exec(sprintf('git diff --name-status %s %s %s', $previousHead, $currentHead, MIGRATIONS_DIR), $output);
$missingMigrationStatusFiles = array_filter($output, function($statusFile) {
return strpos($statusFile, 'D') === 0;
$excessMigrations = array_map(function($statusFile) {
$matches = [];
preg_match('/Version([0-9]+)\.php$/', $statusFile, $matches);
return $matches[1];
}, $missingMigrationStatusFiles);
return $excessMigrations;
function filePathOfMigration($version)
return sprintf('%s/Version%s.php', MIGRATIONS_DIR, $version);
function runProccess($cmd)
$proc = proc_open($cmd, [
0 => ['pipe', 'r'],
1 => ['pipe', 'w'],
2 => ['pipe', 'w'],
], $pipes);
$stdout = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
$stderr = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]);
array_map('fclose', $pipes);
return new ProcOutput($stdout, $stderr);
class ProcOutput
private $stdout;
private $stderr;
public function __construct($stdout = '', $stderr = '')
$this->stdout = $stdout;
$this->stderr = $stderr;
public function getStdout()
return $this->stdout;
public function getStderr()
return $this->stderr;
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nenadalm commented Jun 3, 2017

Thanks. I am thinking about removing this gist though - as I didn't use it for several years (the project it was useful on is no longer under development and projects I am currently working on don't require such script).

The script was written because an app I was working on was hard and time consuming to reinstall (old migrations were broken, they took very long time to run...) and I had to switch between several development branches each with different migrations (migrations were often renamed when branch was merged into another branch - so that newly merged migrations were after all previously run migrations of the other branch).

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