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Last active September 22, 2016 02:39
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  • Save neo125874/e656d74acb787ac11c5cddea32b80b3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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//exclude the special character
public FileResult TextToMp3(string text)
//Primary memory stream for storing mp3 audio
var mp3Stream = new MemoryStream();
//Speech format
var speechAudioFormatConfig = new SpeechAudioFormatInfo(samplesPerSecond: 8000, bitsPerSample: AudioBitsPerSample.Sixteen, channel: AudioChannel.Stereo);
//Naudio's wave format used for mp3 conversion. Mirror configuration of speech config.
var waveFormat = new WaveFormat(speechAudioFormatConfig.SamplesPerSecond, speechAudioFormatConfig.BitsPerSample, speechAudioFormatConfig.ChannelCount);
//Build a voice prompt to have the voice talk slower and with an emphasis on words
var prompt = new PromptBuilder { Culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("zh-TW") };
prompt.StartStyle(new PromptStyle() { Emphasis = PromptEmphasis.Reduced, Rate = PromptRate.Slow });
//Wav stream output of converted text to speech
using (var synthWavMs = new MemoryStream())
//Spin off a new thread that's safe for an ASP.NET application pool.
var resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(arg =>
//initialize a voice with standard settings
var siteSpeechSynth = new SpeechSynthesizer();
siteSpeechSynth.SelectVoice("Microsoft Server Speech Text to Speech Voice (zh-TW, HanHan)");
siteSpeechSynth.Volume = 100;
siteSpeechSynth.Rate = 2;
//Set memory stream and audio format to speech synthesizer
siteSpeechSynth.SetOutputToAudioStream(synthWavMs, speechAudioFormatConfig);
//build a speech prompt
catch (Exception ex)
//This is here to diagnostic any issues with the conversion process. It can be removed after testing.
Response.AddHeader("EXCEPTION", ex.GetBaseException().ToString());
resetEvent.Set();//end of thread
//Wait until thread catches up with us
WaitHandle.WaitAll(new WaitHandle[] { resetEvent });
//Estimated bitrate
var bitRate = (speechAudioFormatConfig.AverageBytesPerSecond * 8);
//Set at starting position
synthWavMs.Position = 0;
//Be sure to have a bin folder with lame dll files in there. They also need to be loaded on application start up via Global.asax file
using (var mp3FileWriter = new LameMP3FileWriter(outStream: mp3Stream, format: waveFormat, bitRate: bitRate)) synthWavMs.CopyTo(mp3FileWriter);
catch (Exception ex)
Response.AddHeader("EXCEPTION", ex.GetBaseException().ToString());
//Set no cache on this file
//required for chrome and safari
Response.AppendHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
//Write the byte length of mp3 to the client
Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", mp3Stream.Length.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
//return the converted wav to mp3 stream to a byte array for a file download
return File(mp3Stream.ToArray(), "audio/mp3");
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