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Created November 22, 2010 19:26
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Mysql Object with cache integrated
* Name: phpMyDB
* URL:
* Version: v1.1
* Date: 21/11/2010
* Author: Chema Garrido
* License: GPL v3
* Notes: Mysql Object with cache integrated
class phpMyDB {//requires wrapper cache class to use caching
private $dbh;//data base handler
private $query_counter=0;//count queries
private $db_time=0;//application start time
private $query_cache;//fileCache object
private $query_cache_status=false; //cache deactivated by default
private $query_cache_counter=0;//count cached queries
private $debug=false; //no debug by default
private $log=array();//log for the debug system
private $insert_last_id;//last insert ID for mysql_insert_id()
private static $instance;//Instance of this class
// Always returns only one instance
public static function GetInstance($dbuser='', $dbpass='', $dbname='', $dbhost='',$dbcharset='utf8',$dbtimezone='',$dbconnectiontype='default'){
if (!isset(self::$instance)){//doesn't exists the isntance
self::$instance = new self($dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $dbhost,$dbcharset,$dbtimezone,$dbconnectiontype);//goes to the constructor
return self::$instance;
// Prevent users to clone the instance
public function __clone(){
$this->print_error('Clone is not allowed.');
// DB Constructor - connects to the server and selects a database
private function __construct($dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $dbhost,$dbcharset,$dbtimezone,$dbconnectiontype){
$this->db_time=microtime(true);//db time starts
if ($dbconnectiontype=='persistent') $this->dbh = @mysql_pconnect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass);
else $this->dbh = @mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass);
if (!$this->dbh){
$this->print_error('<ol><li><b>Error establishing a database connection!</b>
<li>Are you sure you have the correct user/password?
<li>Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
<li>Are you sure that the database server is running?</ol>');
$this->query('SET NAMES '.$dbcharset);
if (!empty($dbtimezone))$this->query('SET time_zone = \''.$dbtimezone.'\'');
public function __destruct() {
// Select a DB (if another one needs to be selected)
public function selectDB($db){
if ( !@mysql_select_db($db,$this->dbh)){
$this->print_error('<ol><li><b>Error selecting database <u>'.$db.'</u>!
</b><li>Are you sure it exists?
<li>Are you sure there is a valid database connection?</ol>');
// Closes DB connection
public function closeDB(){
if (isset($this->dbh)){
$msg=$this->query_counter.' queries generated in '.round( (microtime(true) - $this->db_time),5).'s';
if ($this->query_cache) $msg.= ' and '.$this->query_cache_counter.' queries cached';
//echo $msg;
$this->addLog('Function closeDB: '.$msg);
// Normal query
public function query($query) {
$this->addLog('Function query: '.$query);
$return_val=@ mysql_query($query) or $this->print_error('('.mysql_errno().') in line '.__LINE__.' error:'.mysql_error().'
<br/>Query: '. $query.' <br/>File: '. $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] );
$this->addLog('End function query');
return $return_val;
///Select functions
//normal select
public function select($fields, $from, $where='') {
$this->addLog('Function select');
if (!empty($where)) $where = ' WHERE ' . $where;
$query = 'SELECT ' . $fields . ' FROM `' . $from . '`'. $where;
$result = $this->query($query);
return $result;
//insert into
public function insert($into, $values) {
$this->addLog('Function insert');
$query = 'INSERT INTO ';
if (is_array($values)){
foreach ($values as $f => $v){
$query .= $into .' ('.substr($fields,0,-1). ') VALUES(' . substr($valuesf,0,-1) . ')';
else $query .= $into . ' VALUES(' . $values . ')';
if($this->query($query)) {
return $this->getLastID();//true; //succed
else return false; //not succed
//delete from
public function delete($from, $where='') {
$this->addLog('Function delete');
if (!empty($where)) $where = ' WHERE ' . $where;
$query = 'DELETE FROM ' . $from . $where;
if($this->query($query)) return true; //succed
else return false; //not succed
//update, aware! $value= column='test', name='test2' .....
public function update($table,$values, $where='') {
$this->addLog('Function update');
if (is_array($values)){
foreach ($values as $f => $v) $valuesf.= $f.'=\''.$v.'\',';
$values = substr($valuesf,0,-1);
if (!empty($where)) $where = ' WHERE ' . $where;
$query = 'UPDATE '. $table. ' SET '.$values. $where;
if($this->query($query)) return true; //succed
else return false; //not succed
//returns an array with the SQL values, uses cache if enabled
public function getRows($query,$type='assoc'){
$this->addLog('Function getRows '. $type);
if ($this->query_cache_status){//cache activated??
$values = $this->query_cache->cache($query);//setting values from cache//var_dump($values);
if ($type=='object'){//if type is object and the cache is activated we use assoc since object can't be cached
$this->addLog('Fetch mode changed to object, if cache is activated not possible to use.');
else $values=null;
if ($values==null) { //not value from cache found
if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0){//checking if there's more than one result
switch ($type){
case 'assoc':
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) array_push($values, $row);
case 'row':
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) array_push($values, $row);
case 'object':
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) array_push($values, $row);
case 'value':
$values=$row[0];//return value
$this->print_error('Not recognized fetch mode: '.$type);
if ($this->query_cache_status){//save cache
$this->query_cache->cache($query, $values);
$this->addLog('Function getRows saved in cache');
}//theres more than 1 row
else $values=null;//not found any row
}//if values was false
else{//found in cache
$this->addLog('Function getRows from cache query:'. $query);
return $values;
// return the 1st value from a field of a query
public function getValue($query){
return $this->getRows($query,'value');
private function setLastID($id){
if (is_numeric($id)) $this->insert_last_id=$id;
else $this->insert_last_id=false;//will return false in case can't retrieve last id
public function getLastID(){
return $this->insert_last_id;
/////////////Tool functions
//sets cache active or inactive
public function setCache($state){
if ($state && class_exists('wrapperCache')){//importanto to check that the class exists
$this->query_cache = wrapperCache::GetInstance();//active
//sets debug on or off
public function setDebug($state){
$this->debug=(bool) $state;
public function returnDebug($type='HTML'){
if ($this->debug){
case 'array':
return $this->log;
case 'HTML'://returns debug as HTML
echo '<ol>';
foreach($this->log as $key=>$value){//loop in the log var
echo '<li>'.$value.'</li>';
echo '</ol>';
else return false;
//add debug log
public function addLog($message){
if ($this->debug){//only if debug enabled
array_push($this->log, round((microtime(true) - $this->db_time),5).'s - '. $message);
// Print SQL/DB error.
private function print_error($str = ''){
if ( empty($str) ) $str = mysql_error();
// If there is an error then take note of it
ocSqlError('<b>phpMyDB Error</b> <br />'.$str);
public function getQueryCounter($type='queries'){
case 'queries':
return $this->query_counter;
case 'cache':
return $this->query_cache_counter;
public function getTime(){
return $this->db_time;
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