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Created April 18, 2017 18:15
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language selector koseven
* Front end controller for OC app
* @package OC
* @category Controller
* @author Chema <>
* @copyright (c) 2009-2013 Open Classifieds Team
* @license GPL v3
class Controller extends Kohana_Controller
* user if its loged in
* @var Model_User
public $user = NULL;
function __construct(Request $request, Response $response)
$locale = NULL;
//setting the user
$this->user = Auth::instance()->get_user();
//not any locale specified lets use user locale
if( $this->user!=FALSE AND (Request::current()->param('language') === '' OR Request::current()->param('language') === NULL) AND Core::get('language') === NULL )
$locale = $this->user->language;
//we allow to choose lang from the url
if( ($lang = Request::current()->param('language')) !==NULL AND ($lang = Request::current()->param('language')) !=='')
$locale = $lang;
elseif( ($lang = Core::get('language')) !==NULL)
$locale = $lang;
elseif (Cookie::get('user_language')!==NULL)
$locale = Cookie::get('user_language');
//lets be sure the correct locale is used
$locale_exists = FALSE;
foreach (i18n::get_languages() as $language)
//we check full locale name or only first
if ($locale == $language OR $locale == substr($language, 0,2))
//so we get the entire locale
$locale = $language;
$locale_exists = TRUE;
//couldnt find the locale use a default
if ($locale_exists === FALSE)
$locale = i18n::$locale_default;
//in case user is logged in and he chose a different locale we update it
if($this->user != FALSE AND $locale !== NULL AND $this->user->language!=$locale)
$this->user->language = $locale;
//saves cookie for later
Cookie::set('user_language',$locale, Core::config('auth.lifetime'));
//initialize i18n
class Controller_Home extends Controller {
public function action_index()
//trying to access the home page directly /home.html
if ($this->request->param('seotitle')=='home')
//if param lang == en redirect only with seoname
if ($this->request->param('language') == 'en')
//we dont want duplicated content thats why if they write /en in the browser we redirect them to the home page
//if set by cookie ignore the keyboard
if (Cookie::get('user_language')!==NULL)
$locale = Cookie::get('user_language');
//not keyboard then lets use the keyboard language nly first visit
$locale = key(Request::accept_lang());
$key_lang = substr($locale,0,2);
//redirect him to proper language
if ($this->request->param('language')===NULL AND $key_lang != 'en' AND core::get('language')=== NULL)
foreach (i18n::$languages as $lang=>$name)
if (substr($lang,0,2) == $key_lang)
//get content of the home page not by seoname but by locale and controller
$page = new Model_Content();
$page = $page
->where('type','=', 'page')
->where('locale','=', i18n::$locale)
->where('controller','=', 'home')
->where('action','=', 'index')
->where('status','=', 1)
if ($page->loaded())
$this->template->title = $page->title;
$this->template->meta_description = $page->description;
$this->template->bind('content', $content);
$this->template->content = View::factory('pages/home',array('page'=>$page));
//not found in DB
//throw 404
throw HTTP_Exception::factory(404,__('Page not found'));
* I18n class for php-gettext
* @package I18n
* @category Translations
* @author Chema <>
* @copyright (c) 2009-2014 Open Classifieds Team
* @license GPL v3
class I18n extends Kohana_I18n {
public static $locale;
public static $locale_default = 'en_US';
public static $charset;
public static $domain;
* forces to use the dropin
public static $dropin = FALSE;
* array of allowed languages, used in dropdowns and routes.php
* @var array
public static $languages = array(
'en_US' => 'English',
'es_ES' => 'Español',
//'fr_FR' => 'Français',
//'ar' => 'العربية',
//'ru_RU' => 'Pусский',
* Initializes the php-gettext
* Remember to load first php-gettext
* @param string $locale
* @param string $charset
* @param string $domain
public static function initialize($locale = NULL, $charset = 'utf-8', $domain = 'messages')
if ($locale===NULL)
$locale = self::$locale_default;
* setting the statics so later we can access them from anywhere
self::$lang = $locale;//used in i18n kohana
self::$locale = $locale;
self::$charset = $charset;
self::$domain = $domain;
//time zone set in the config
//Kohana core charset, used in the HTML templates as well
Kohana::$charset = self::$charset;
setlocale(LC_ALL, self::$locale.'.'.self::$charset);
bind_textdomain_codeset(self::$domain, self::$charset);
class Controller_Page extends Controller {
* Display single page
* @throws HTTP_Exception_404
public function action_view()
$seotitle = $this->request->param('seotitle',NULL);
$param_language = $this->request->param('language');
if ($seotitle!==NULL)
//if param lang == en redirect only with seoname
if ($param_language == 'en')
elseif($param_language==NULL)//not any set then use english!
$param_language = 'en';
//get the page content
$page = new Model_Content();
$page = $page->where('seotitle','=', $seotitle)
->where('type','=', 'page')
->where('status','=', 1)
->where(DB::expr('LEFT(locale, 2)'),'=',$param_language)
//so page loaded and language by uri the same
if ($page->loaded())// AND substr($page->locale,0,2) == $param_language )
$this->template->title = $page->title;
$this->template->meta_description = $page->description;
//execute external controller if has any
if ($page->controller!==NULL AND $page->action!==NULL AND method_exists('Controller_'.$page->controller, 'action_'.$page->action) )
$action = 'action_'.$page->action;
$controller = 'Controller_'.$page->controller;
$controller = new $controller($this->request, $this->response);
//set current controller & action same as external
$this->template->bind('content', $content);
$this->template->content = View::factory('page',array('page'=>$page));
//not found in DB
//throw 404
throw HTTP_Exception::factory(404,__('Page not found'));
else//this should never happen
//throw 404
throw HTTP_Exception::factory(404,__('Page not found'));
* Landing page
public function action_landing(Model_Content $page = NULL, $controller = NULL)
$controller->template->bind('content', $content);
$controller->template->content = View::factory('landing',array('page'=>$page));
* Landing page with no background
public function action_landing_no_bg(Model_Content $page = NULL, $controller = NULL)
$controller->template->bind('content', $content);
$controller->template->content = View::factory('landing_no_bg',array('page'=>$page));
} // End Page controller
* home other languages
Route::set('home', '<language>', array('language' => $allowed_languages))
'controller' => 'home',
'action' => 'index',
'language' => 'en',
* blog
Route::set('blog','(<language>/)blog(/<seotitle>.html)', array('language' => $allowed_languages))
'controller' => 'blog',
'action' => 'index',
'language' => 'en',
Route::set('faq', '(<language>/)faq(/<seotitle>.html)', array('language' => $allowed_languages))
'controller' => 'faq',
'action' => 'index',
'language' => 'en',
* page view public
'controller' => 'page',
'action' => 'view',
'seotitle' => '',
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