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Created August 28, 2023 14:28
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MicroK8s Cinder CSI
  1. Create secret.yaml with openstack credentials, use template from this gist. Required actions:
    • Uncomment items needed if cloud uses a self-signed CA. Add CA in the ca.crt key.
    • If Cinder does not use the same AZs as Nova, uncomment the ignore-volume-az line.
  2. Create values.yaml using the template from this gist.
    • Uncomment items needed if cloud uses a self-signed CA.
    • If Cinder does not use the same AZs as Nova, uncomment the custom storage classes options and the availability to the name of the cinder AZ.
  3. Install Cinder CSI helm chart with:
microk8s helm repo add openstack
microk8s helm repo update
microk8s helm install --namespace kube-system cinder-csi openstack/openstack-cinder-csi -f values.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: cinder-csi-cloud-config
namespace: kube-system
cloud.conf: |
auth-url =
region = $region
username = $username
password = $password
tenant-name = $project
domain-name = $domain
tenant-domain-name = $domain
# # if cloud uses self-signed CA
# ca-file = /etc/cacert/ca.crt
bs-version = v3
# # if cinder has different AZs from nova
# ignore-volume-az = true
# # if cloud uses self-signed CA
# ca.crt: |
# ...
enabled: true
name: cinder-csi-cloud-config
kubeletDir: /var/snap/microk8s/common/var/lib/kubelet
# # if cloud uses a self-signed CA (configured in the secret.yaml)
# volumes:
# - name: cacert
# secret:
# secretName: cinder-csi-cloud-config
# volumeMounts:
# - name: cacert
# mountPath: /etc/cacert
# readOnly: true
# - name: cloud-config
# mountPath: /etc/kubernetes
# readOnly: true
# uncomment to configure custom storage classes (e.g. to set "availability" to handle the availability zone to create cinder volumes in)
# storageClass:
# enabled: false
# custom: |-
# ---
# apiVersion:
# kind: StorageClass
# metadata:
# name: csi-cinder-sc-delete
# provisioner:
# volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
# allowVolumeExpansion: true
# reclaimPolicy: Delete
# parameters:
# availability: nova
# ---
# apiVersion:
# kind: StorageClass
# metadata:
# name: csi-cinder-sc-retain
# provisioner:
# volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
# allowVolumeExpansion: true
# reclaimPolicy: Retain
# parameters:
# availability: nova
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