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Created January 21, 2021 00:13
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// This tests the time for inter-stream synchronisation.
// We fire up N streams per GPU on M devices and do
// waitevents between all NxM streams, to time the inter
// stream sync. These are always all-to-all syncs.
#include <stdio.h>
// Kernel just spins for a certain amount of time, to allow other launches to be
// issued so that we're not host-launch limited
static __global__ void delay_kernel(long long cycles) {
long long start = clock64();
while (clock64() - start < cycles);
struct devRes {
cudaStream_t *stream;
cudaEvent_t *ev;
union SWSync {
char gpuData[16]; // Per GPU data (each GPU writes one byte)
struct {
unsigned long long low;
unsigned long long high;
} aggData; // Allows reading the data in a single word
int4 nvccData; // Used so that NVCC will emit a single 128-bit operation
// The software-sync kernel writes into "syncdata" at the offset indicated by its GPU ID.
// We then poll "syncdata" until all GPUs have written, then exit.
// "state" is either 0 or 1, which indicates the direction we're switching the sync values.
static __global__ void SWSyncKernel(SWSync *syncData, int gpuid, int numGpus, char state) {
SWSync inSync;
syncData->gpuData[gpuid] = state; // Write the new value to gpuData
inSync.nvccData = syncData->nvccData; // Read the PCI data while we construct our comparison values
unsigned long long lowcompare = 0, highcompare = 0;
if (state != 0) {
unsigned long long lowmask, highmask;
if (numGpus < 8) {
lowmask = (1ULL << (numGpus * 8)) - 1ULL;
lowcompare = 0x0101010101010101ULL & lowmask;
highcompare = 0;
else if (numGpus < 16) {
lowcompare = 0x0101010101010101ULL;
highmask = (1ULL << ((numGpus - 8) * 8)) - 1ULL;
highcompare = 0x0101010101010101ULL & highmask;
else {
lowcompare = 0x0101010101010101ULL;
highcompare = 0x0101010101010101ULL;
// Now spin, polling the sysmem storage until everyone's value is set
while ((inSync.aggData.low != lowcompare) && (inSync.aggData.high != highcompare)) {
inSync.nvccData = syncData->nvccData; // Read the PCI data
// Implements all-to-all event sync between all streams (e.g. worst case algorithm)
void algorithm_all_to_all(int numDevices, int streamCount, devRes *gpu) {
// Now record events in every single stream on every device
for (int dev = 0; dev < numDevices; dev++) {
for (int s = 0; s < streamCount; s++) {
//delay_kernel<<< 1, 1, 0, testStream >>>(0); // Launch a dummy kernel into every stream
cudaEventRecord(gpu[dev].ev[s], gpu[dev].stream[s]);
// Then push waits on all events into every stream on every device
for (int dev = 0; dev < numDevices; dev++) { // For each device
for (int s = 0; s < streamCount; s++) { // For each stream on that device
for (int waitdev = 0; waitdev < numDevices; waitdev++) { // We'll wait on each device
for (int waitstream = 0; waitstream < streamCount; waitstream++) { // Each stream there
if (waitdev != dev || waitstream != s) { // Don't wait on ourself
cudaStreamWaitEvent(gpu[dev].stream[s], gpu[waitdev].ev[waitstream], 0);
// This is a linear-sync algorithm: each stream waits for the stream on
// its left then hands off to the stream on its right. Finally everyone
// waits for the rightmost stream to signal.
void algorithm_linear(int numDevices, int streamCount, devRes *gpu) {
// We sync all streams on a single device locally, then sync between devices
// We'll use the same "pass to the right" algorithm on each device
// Begin by waiting internally on each device
for (int dev = 0; dev < numDevices; dev++) {
for (int s = 0; s < streamCount; s++) {
//delay_kernel<<< 1, 1, 0, testStream >>>(0); // Launch a dummy kernel into every stream
cudaEventRecord(gpu[dev].ev[s], gpu[dev].stream[s]);
// Last stream doesn't push a wait on anyone
if ((s + 1) < streamCount) {
cudaStreamWaitEvent(gpu[dev].stream[s + 1], gpu[dev].ev[s], 0);
// Now wait between the last streams on each device
for (int dev = 0; dev < numDevices; dev++) {
int s = streamCount - 1;
cudaEventRecord(gpu[dev].ev[s], gpu[dev].stream[s]); // Record "waiting finished" event
if ((dev + 1) < numDevices) {
cudaStreamWaitEvent(gpu[dev + 1].stream[s], gpu[dev].ev[s], 0);
// Now we can signal back across local GPUs, waiting for the final device & stream
cudaEventRecord(gpu[numDevices - 1].ev[streamCount - 1], gpu[numDevices - 1].stream[streamCount - 1]);
for (int dev = 0; dev < numDevices - 1; dev++) {
cudaStreamWaitEvent(gpu[dev].stream[0], gpu[numDevices - 1].ev[streamCount - 1], 0);
cudaEventRecord(gpu[dev].ev[0], gpu[dev].stream[0]);
// Make everyone on my GPU wait for this local stream 0 event (reduces cross-GPU syncs)
for (int s = 1; s < streamCount; s++) {
cudaStreamWaitEvent(gpu[dev].stream[s], gpu[dev].ev[0], 0);
// Here we sync within a GPU, then between stream 0 on each GPU
void algorithm_reduction(int numDevices, int streamCount, devRes *gpu) {
// Let's do an interesting fan-in-fan-out mechanism
// First we sync locally to stream 0 on each GPU using events, because at least that's fast
for (int dev = 0; dev < numDevices; dev++) {
for (int s = 1; s < streamCount; s++) {
cudaEventRecord(gpu[dev].ev[s], gpu[dev].stream[s]);
cudaStreamWaitEvent(gpu[dev].stream[0], gpu[dev].ev[s], 0);
// Record a completion event on stream 0
cudaEventRecord(gpu[dev].ev[0], gpu[dev].stream[0]);
// Now sync between GPUs
// 1: GPU 0 syncs on everyone then records an event
for (int dev = 1; dev < numDevices; dev++) {
cudaStreamWaitEvent(gpu[0].stream[0], gpu[dev].ev[0], 0);
cudaEventRecord(gpu[0].ev[0], gpu[0].stream[0]);
// 2: Then propagate that event back to the other GPUs on stream 0
for (int dev = 1; dev < numDevices; dev++) {
cudaStreamWaitEvent(gpu[dev].stream[0], gpu[0].ev[0], 0);
cudaEventRecord(gpu[dev].ev[0], gpu[dev].stream[0]);
// 3: Finally propagate the stream 0 event to all other streams per GPU
for (int dev = 0; dev < numDevices; dev++) {
for (int s = 1; s < streamCount; s++) {
cudaStreamWaitEvent(gpu[dev].stream[s], gpu[dev].ev[0], 0);
// This is a software sync, based on writing then polling a sysmem location
// so that kernels can signal between each other
void algorithm_software(int numDevices, int streamCount, devRes *gpu, SWSync *syncData) {
static char state = 0;
state = !state; // Toggle the state of the barrier
// First we sync locally to stream 0 on each GPU using events, because at least that's fast
for (int dev = 0; dev < numDevices; dev++) {
for (int s = 1; s < streamCount; s++) {
cudaEventRecord(gpu[dev].ev[s], gpu[dev].stream[s]);
cudaStreamWaitEvent(gpu[dev].stream[0], gpu[dev].ev[s], 0);
// Now we launch our sync kernel onto each GPU's stream 0 - it'll complete when all GPUs have hit the barrier
cudaError_t err;
for (int dev = 0; dev < numDevices; dev++) {
SWSyncKernel << < 1, 1, 0, gpu[dev].stream[0] >> > (syncData, dev, numDevices, state);
if ((err = cudaGetLastError()) != cudaSuccess) printf("Kernel launch error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err));
cudaEventRecord(gpu[dev].ev[0], gpu[dev].stream[0]);
// Finally all streams must wait for the sync kernel to finish, and we know everyone is finished
for (int dev = 0; dev < numDevices; dev++) {
for (int s = 1; s < streamCount; s++) {
cudaStreamWaitEvent(gpu[dev].stream[s], gpu[dev].ev[0], 0);
// Args are:
// numStreams = number of streams per device
// numDevices = number of devices to span (starting with 0)
// numSyncs = number of syncs we do during the test
// timingAll = 0 for timing events ignoring the test stream fan-out, and 1 to capture the test stream fan-out
void stream_sync(int numStreams, int numDevices, int numSyncs, int timingAll) {
printf("stream_sync test: numStreams=%d, numDevices=%d, numSyncs=%d, timingAll=%d\n", numStreams, numDevices, numSyncs, timingAll);
devRes gpu[16]; // At most 16 devices
// For fun, we'll map peer access between all devices
for (int dev = 0; dev < numDevices; dev++) {
// Peer map all other devices from this one
for (int peerdev = 0; peerdev < numDevices; peerdev++) {
if (dev != peerdev) {
cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess(peerdev, 0);
// Create the streams for this device while we're at it
gpu[dev].stream = new cudaStream_t[numStreams];
for (int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++) {
// One event per stream on this device
gpu[dev].ev = new cudaEvent_t[numStreams];
for (int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++) {
// Create 16 bytes of sysmem for the software-sync algorithm to use
SWSync *syncData;
if (cudaHostAlloc(&syncData, sizeof(syncData), cudaHostAllocPortable | cudaHostAllocWriteCombined | cudaHostAllocMapped) != cudaSuccess) {
printf("Failed to allocate sysmem: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(cudaGetLastError()));
syncData->aggData.low = syncData->aggData.high = 0; // Reset our sync data (first transition will be 0->1)
SWSync *devSyncData;
cudaHostGetDevicePointer(&devSyncData, syncData, 0);
//printf("Allocated syncData (%p) = %.16llx-%.16llx - devSyncData = %p\n", syncData, syncData->aggData.low, syncData->aggData.high, devSyncData);
// Simple end-to-end timing
cudaEvent_t start, end;
cudaStream_t testStream;
printf("stream_count, num_devices, num_syncs, all-to-all, linear, per-gpu, sw-kernel\n");
for (int streamCount = 1; streamCount <= numStreams; streamCount++) {
float timer[4];
for (int algorithm = 0; algorithm < 4; algorithm++) {
delay_kernel << < 1, 1, 0, testStream >> > (500000000); // Allow enough time to launch everything
cudaEventRecord(start, testStream);
// Start by hooking all stream 0 of each GPU into our test stream
for (int dev = 0; dev < numDevices; dev++) {
cudaStreamWaitEvent(gpu[dev].stream[0], start, 0);
cudaEventRecord(gpu[dev].ev[0], gpu[dev].stream[0]);
if(!timingAll) cudaStreamWaitEvent(testStream, gpu[dev].ev[0], 0);
// Now make all other streams on this GPU wait for stream 0 - it's faster
// than having everyone poll on GPU 0
for (int s = 0; s < streamCount; s++) {
cudaStreamWaitEvent(gpu[dev].stream[s], gpu[dev].ev[0], 0);
// If I'm not timing the fan-out, then hook every stream back in to the test stream
if(!timingAll) {
cudaEventRecord(gpu[dev].ev[s], gpu[dev].stream[s]);
cudaStreamWaitEvent(testStream, gpu[dev].ev[s], 0);
if (!timingAll) {
cudaEventRecord(start, testStream);
// Issue as many syncs as have been requested
for (int syncid = 0; syncid < numSyncs; syncid++) {
switch (algorithm) {
case 0:
algorithm_all_to_all(numDevices, streamCount, gpu);
case 1:
algorithm_linear(numDevices, streamCount, gpu);
case 2:
algorithm_reduction(numDevices, streamCount, gpu);
case 3:
algorithm_software(numDevices, streamCount, gpu, devSyncData);
printf("Unrecognised sync algorithm\n");
// To record the fastest possible timing event, hook GPU 0 stream 0 back into the test stream
// Note that not all other GPUs may have seen their waitevent operations yet, but we are
// guaranteed that they have at least been issued and that GPU 0 stream 0 has seen completion
// on all other streams & GPUs.
if (!timingAll) {
cudaStreamWaitEvent(testStream, gpu[0].ev[0], 0);
cudaEventRecord(end, testStream);
// End by hooking all test streams back into our main stream
for (int dev = 0; dev < numDevices; dev++) {
for (int s = 0; s < streamCount; s++) {
cudaEventRecord(gpu[dev].ev[s], gpu[dev].stream[s]);
cudaStreamWaitEvent(testStream, gpu[dev].ev[s], 0);
// For fan-out-fan-in timing, we record the end event after everything has fanned back in
if (timingAll) {
cudaEventRecord(end, testStream);
cudaEventElapsedTime(&timer[algorithm], start, end);
printf("%d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %f, %f\n", streamCount, numDevices, numSyncs, timer[0], timer[1], timer[2], timer[3]);
// Flush all work on each device, just to be sure
for (int dev = 0; dev < numDevices; dev++) {
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