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Last active January 19, 2021 20:20
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Save neocotic/1095029 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
INI File Utilities
:: INI File Utilities
:: Copyright 2011, [neocotic](
:: Released under the MIT License
@echo off
setLocal enableDelayedExpansion
:: Declares required constants
set TEMP_FILE="%TEMP%\ini-%RANDOM%.tmp"
:: To be returned when script ends
:: If an unexpected problem occurs, this will be changed to reflect the level of that problem
set returnCode=0
if exist %TEMP_FILE% del /Q %TEMP_FILE%
set optClear=N
set optKeys=N
set optRemove=N
set optStrictMode=N
set optUsage=N
set optValues=N
:: Reads options one-by-one
set opt=%~1
if "%opt:~0,1%"=="/" (
:: Checks if usage descriptor should be printed
if "%opt:~1,1%"=="?" (
set optUsage=Y
goto nextOption
:: Checks if key value should be cleared
if /i "%opt:~1,1%"=="C" (
set optClear=Y
set optRemove=N
goto nextOption
:: Checks if only keys should be printed
if /i "%opt:~1,1%"=="K" (
set optKeys=Y
set optValues=N
goto nextOption
:: Checks if key should be removed
if /i "%opt:~1,1%"=="R" (
set optClear=N
set optRemove=Y
goto nextOption
:: Checks if an error should be thrown when accessing non-existant sections/keys
if /i "%opt:~1,1%"=="S" (
set optStrictMode=Y
goto nextOption
:: Checks if only values should be printed
if /i "%opt:~1,1%"=="V" (
set optKeys=N
set optValues=Y
goto nextOption
goto invalidOptionError
goto readOptions
:: Determines if usage should be printed and whether or not to continue with process afterwards
if "%optUsage%"=="Y" goto printUsage
:: Assigns parameter values to declared variables
set fileName=%~1
set section=%~2
set key=%~3
set value=%~4
:: Validates file name specified
if "%fileName%"=="" goto fileNotSpecifiedError
if not exist "%fileName%" goto fileNotFoundError
:: Determines what to print based on parameters provided
if "%section%"=="" goto printAll
if "%key%"=="" (
if "%optClear%"=="Y" goto handleSection
if "%optRemove%"=="Y" goto handleSection
goto printAllSection
if "%value%"=="" (
if "%optClear%"=="Y" goto handleKey
if "%optRemove%"=="Y" goto handleKey
goto printKeyValue
goto handleKey
:: Prints all sections contained within specified file, including their key=value pairs
:: Section headings only printed if neither /K /V options were specified
:: Keys only printed if /V option wasn't specified
:: Values only printed if /K option wasn't specified
for /f "tokens=1,* delims==" %%A in (%fileName%) do (
set line=%%A
if "!line:~0,1!"=="[" (
set currentSection=!line!
if "%optKeys%"=="N" if "%optValues%"=="N" (
) else (
if not "!currentSection!"=="" (
if "%optKeys%"=="Y" (
) else (
if "%optValues%"=="Y" (
) else (
goto end
:: Prints key=value pairs of the speciifed section contained within specified file
:: Keys only printed if /V option wasn't specified
:: Values only printed if /K option wasn't specified
set sectionFound=N
for /f "tokens=1,* delims==" %%A in (%fileName%) do (
set line=%%A
if "!line:~0,1!"=="[" (
set currentSection=!line!
if /i "!currentSection!"=="[%section%]" set sectionFound=Y
) else (
if /i "!currentSection!"=="[%section%]" (
if "%optKeys%"=="Y" (
) else (
if "%optValues%"=="Y" (
) else (
if "%sectionFound%"=="N" if "%optStrictMode%"=="Y" goto sectionNotFoundError
goto end
:: Prints value of the key paired under the specified section contained within specified file
set sectionFound=N
for /f "tokens=1,* delims==" %%A in (%fileName%) do (
set line=%%A
if "!line:~0,1!"=="[" (
set currentSection=!line!
if /i "!currentSection!"=="[%section%]" set sectionFound=Y
) else (
if /i "!currentSection!"=="[%section%]" (
if /i "%%A"=="%key%" (
goto end
if "%optStrictMode%"=="Y" (
if "%sectionFound%"=="N" goto sectionNotFoundError
goto keyNotFoundError
) else (
goto end
:: Handles the key within the specified section contained within specified file
set keyAdded=N
set keyFound=N
set sectionFound=N
for /f "tokens=1,* delims==" %%A in (%fileName%) do (
set line=%%A
if "!line:~0,1!"=="[" (
if not "!currentSection!"=="" (
if /i "!currentSection!"=="[%section%]" if "!keyFound!"=="N" if "%optRemove%"=="N" (
set keyAdded=Y
if "%optClear%"=="Y" (
) else (
if not "%value%"=="" (echo.%key%=%value%)>>%TEMP_FILE%
set currentSection=!line!
if /i "!currentSection!"=="[%section%]" set sectionFound=Y
) else (
if not "!currentSection!"=="" (
if /i "!currentSection!"=="[%section%]" (
if /i "%%A"=="%key%" (
set keyFound=Y
if "%optRemove%"=="N" (
if "%optClear%"=="Y" (
) else (
if not "%value%"=="" (echo.%key%=%value%)>>%TEMP_FILE%
) else (
) else (
) else (
if "%sectionFound%"=="N" if "%optRemove%"=="N" (echo [%section%])>>%TEMP_FILE%
if "%keyFound%"=="N" if "%keyAdded%"=="N" if "%optRemove%"=="N" (
if "%optClear%"=="Y" (
) else (
if not "%value%"=="" (echo.%key%=%value%)>>%TEMP_FILE%
goto write
:: Handles the section contained within specified file
set sectionFound=N
for /f "tokens=1,* delims==" %%A in (%fileName%) do (
set line=%%A
if "!line:~0,1!"=="[" (
if not "!currentSection!"=="" (echo.)>>%TEMP_FILE%
set currentSection=!line!
if /i "!currentSection!"=="[%section%]" (
set sectionFound=Y
if "%optRemove%"=="N" (echo.!currentSection!)>>%TEMP_FILE%
) else (
) else (
if not "!currentSection!"=="" (
if /i not "!currentSection!"=="[%section%]" (echo.%%A=%%B)>>%TEMP_FILE%
) else (
if "%sectionFound%"=="N" if "%optStrictMode%"=="Y" goto sectionNotFoundError
goto write
:: Writes each line of the temporary file to the specified file
set firstLine=Y
for /f "tokens=*" %%A in (%TEMP_FILE%) do (
if "!firstLine!"=="Y" (
set firstLine=N
) else (
goto end
:: Provides user feedback on any unexpected errors
(echo [ ERROR ] File not found: %fileName%)1>&2
goto error
(echo [WARNING] File not specified)1>&2
goto warning
(echo [ ERROR ] Invalid option: %opt%)1>&2
goto error
(echo [ ERROR ] Key not found: %key%)1>&2
goto error
(echo [ ERROR ] Section not found: %section%)1>&2
goto error
:: Handles exiting script correctly due to an unexcepted problem
set returnCode=2
goto end
set returnCode=1
goto end
:: Prints usage descriptor for this command
echo Usage: ini [options] [file [section [key [value]]]]
echo Options:
echo /C clears specified key's value or section's keys
echo /K print keys only
echo /R removes specified key or section
echo /S enables strict mode
echo /V print values only
if not "%~1"=="" (
goto process
if exist %TEMP_FILE% del /Q %TEMP_FILE%
endLocal&exit /b %returnCode%
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