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Last active January 19, 2021 20:20
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Time Difference Calculator
:: Time Difference Calculator
:: Copyright 2011, [neocotic](
:: Released under the MIT License
@echo off
setLocal enableDelayedExpansion
:: To be returned when script ends
:: If an unexpected problem occurs, this will be changed to reflect the level of that problem
set returnCode=0
set optFormat=N
set optUsage=N
:: Reads options one-by-one
set opt=%~1
if "%opt:~0,1%"=="/" (
:: Checks if usage descriptor should be printed
if "%opt:~1,1%"=="?" (
set optUsage=Y
goto nextOption
:: Checks if formatted time difference should be printed
if /i "%opt:~1,1%"=="F" (
set optFormat=Y
goto nextOption
goto invalidOptionError
goto readOptions
:: Determines if usage should be printed and whether or not to continue with process afterwards
if "%optUsage%"=="Y" goto printUsage
:: Validates all required parameters specified
set time1=%~1
set time2=%~2
if "%time1%"=="" goto timeNotSpecifiedError
if "%time2%"=="" set time2=%TIME%
goto calculateTimeDiff
:: Provides user feedback on any unexpected errors
(echo [ ERROR ] Invalid option: %opt%)1>&2
goto error
(echo [WARNING] Initial time not specified)1>&2
goto warning
:: Handles exiting script correctly due to an unexcepted problem
set returnCode=2
goto end
set returnCode=1
goto end
:: Prepares time by removing milliseconds from time and prepending an space where required
set time1=%time1:~0,-3%
set time2=%time2:~0,-3%
if "%time1:~1,1%"==":" set time1= %time1%
if "%time2:~1,1%"==":" set time2= %time2%
:: Converts time to seconds
set /a hh1=60*60*%time1:~0,2%
set /a hh2=60*60*%time2:~0,2%
set /a mm1=60*%time1:~3,2%
set /a mm2=60*%time2:~3,2%
set /a ss1=%time1:~6,2%
set /a ss2=%time2:~6,2%
:: Calculates time difference in seconds
set /a t1=hh1+mm1+ss1
set /a t2=hh2+mm2+ss2
set /a ds=t2-t1
if %ds% LSS 0 set /a ds=%ds%+24*60*60
set /a h=(%ds%/3600)
set /a m=(%ds%/60)-60*%h%
set /a s=%ds%-60*(%ds%/60)
:: Prints time difference which many be formatted
if "%optFormat%"=="Y" (
set fds=%s% sec
if not %s%==1 set fds=!fds!s
if not %m%==0 (
if %m%==1 (
set fds=%m% min !fds!
) else (
set fds=%m% mins !fds!
if not %h%==0 (
if %h%==1 (
set fds=%h% hr !fds!
) else (
set fds=%h% hrs !fds!
echo !fds!
) else (
echo hours=%h%
echo minutes=%m%
echo seconds=%s%
goto end
:: Prints usage descriptor for this command
echo Usage: timediff [options] [time1 [time2]]
echo Options:
echo /F prints formatted time difference
if not "%~1"=="" (
goto process
endLocal&exit /b %returnCode%
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