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Created October 31, 2021 13:02
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let aTiny = {"a":"ᵃ","b":"ᵇ","c":"ᶜ","d":"ᵈ","e":"ᵉ","f":"ᶠ","g":"ᵍ","h":"ʰ","i":"ᶦ","j":"ʲ","k":"ᵏ","l":"ᶫ","m":"ᵐ","n":"ᶰ","o":"ᵒ","p":"ᵖ","q":"ᑫ","r":"ʳ","s":"ˢ","t":"ᵗ","u":"ᵘ","v":"ᵛ","w":"ʷ","x":"ˣ","y":"ʸ","z":"ᶻ","A":"ᴬ","B":"ᴮ","C":"ᶜ","D":"ᴰ","E":"ᴱ","F":"ᶠ","G":"ᴳ","H":"ᴴ","I":"ᴵ","J":"ᴶ","K":"ᴷ","L":"ᴸ","M":"ᴹ","N":"ᴺ","O":"ᴼ","P":"ᴾ","Q":"ᑫ","R":"ᴿ","S":"ˢ","T":"ᵀ","U":"ᵁ","V":"ⱽ","W":"ᵂ","X":"ˣ","Y":"ʸ","Z":"ᶻ","`":"`","~":"~","!":"﹗","@":"@","#":"#","$":"﹩","%":"﹪","^":"^","&":"﹠","*":"﹡","(":"⁽",")":"⁾","_":"⁻","-":"⁻","=":"⁼","+":"+","{":"{","[":"[","}":"}","]":"]",":":"﹕",";":"﹔","?":"﹖"};
let doTinyCaption = ( (_d, _q, _t) => { // Inject Tiny type
let aTinyCnt = [..._d.querySelectorAll( _q )];
if( aTinyCnt ){ setTimeout( ()=>{ doTinyCaption.tick(); }, 32); }
return {
"tick": ()=>{
let sMU = "";
aTinyCnt.forEach( (eVivCnt) => {
if(eVivCnt.atTiny !== eVivCnt.dataset.atTiny){ // Data atr changed
Array.from( eVivCnt.dataset.atTiny ).filter(( sChr )=>{
sMU += ( sChr == " ") ? " " : aTiny[ sChr ];
eVivCnt.innerHTML = sMU;
eVivCnt.atTiny = eVivCnt.dataset.atTiny;
} );
setTimeout( ()=>{ doTinyCaption.tick(); }, _t);
})(document, "[data-at-tiny]", 13664 );
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