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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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  • Save neoeinstein/1ecb763178039837ccdc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save neoeinstein/1ecb763178039837ccdc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
C:\dev\neoeinstein\FAKE\packages\FSharp.Formatting.CommandTool\tools\fsformatting.exe "metadataformat" "--generate" "--outdir" "./docs/apidocs/" "--layoutroots" "./help/templates/" "./help/templates/reference/" "--sourceRepo" "" "--sourceFolder" "C:\dev\neoeinstein\FAKE" "--parameters" "page-description" "FAKE - F# Make" "page-author" "Steffen Forkmann, Mauricio Scheffer, Colin Bull" "project-author" "Steffen Forkmann, Mauricio Scheffer, Colin Bull" "github-link" "" "project-github" "" "project-nuget" "" "root" "" "project-name" "FAKE - F# Make" --dllfiles "C:\dev\neoeinstein\FAKE\build\FakeLib.dll"
[0 sec] Resolving assembly: FSharp.Compiler.Service.resources, Version=, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=null
[0 sec] Resolving assembly: FSharp.Compiler.Service.resources, Version=, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=null
[0 sec] Resolving assembly: FSharp.Compiler.Service.resources, Version=, Culture=en, PublicKeyToken=null
[0 sec] Resolving assembly: FSharp.Compiler.Service.resources, Version=, Culture=en, PublicKeyToken=null
[3 sec] Reading assembly: C:\dev\neoeinstein\FAKE\build\FakeLib.dll
[3 sec] Parsing assembly (with documentation file 'C:\dev\neoeinstein\FAKE\build\FakeLib.XML')
[3 sec] Error while building member-name for Fake.AdditionalSyntax.( ? ) because: not a named type
[3 sec] Error while building member-name for Fake.AdditionalSyntax.( ?<- ) because: not a named type
[3 sec] Warning: Could not find documentation for 'T:Microsoft.FSharp.Core.obj'! (You can ignore this message when you have not written documentation for this member)
[3 sec] Warning: Could not find documentation for 'T:Microsoft.FSharp.Core.obj'! (You can ignore this message when you have not written documentation for this member)
[3 sec] Warning: Could not find documentation for 'T:Fake.AppVeyor.TestResultsType.MsTest'! (You can ignore this message when you have not written documentation for this member)
[3 sec] Warning: Could not find documentation for 'T:Fake.AppVeyor.TestResultsType.NUnit'! (You can ignore this message when you have not written documentation for this member) [3 sec] Warning: Could not find documentation for 'T:Fake.AppVeyor.TestResultsType.Xunit'! (You can ignore this message when you have not written documentation for this member)
[0 sec] received exception in MetadataFormat.Generate:
Running build failed.
System.Exception: FSharp.Formatting "metadataformat" "--generate" "--outdir" "./docs/apidocs/" "--layoutroots" "./help/templates/" "./help/templates/reference/" "--sourceRepo" "" "--sourceFolder" "C:\dev\neoeinstein\FAKE" "--parameters" "page-description" "FAKE - F# Make" "page-author" "Steffen Forkmann, Mauricio Scheffer, Colin Bull" "project-author" "Steffen Forkmann, Mauricio Scheffer, Colin Bull" "github-link" "" "project-github" "" "project-nuget" "" "root" "" "project-name" "FAKE - F# Make" --dllfiles "C:\dev\neoeinstein\FAKE\build\FakeLib.dll" failed.
at message) in C:\code\fake\src\app\FakeLib\FSharpFormattingHelper.fs:line 13
at command) in C:\code\fake\src\app\FakeLib\FSharpFormattingHelper.fs:line 13
at Fake.FSharpFormatting.CreateDocsForDlls(String outputDir, String templatesDir, IEnumerable`1 projectParameters, String sourceRepo, IEnumerable`1 dllFiles) in C:\code\fake\src\app\FakeLib\FSharpFormattingHelper.fs:line 44
at FSI_0001.Build.clo@93-4.Invoke(Unit _arg4) in C:\dev\neoeinstein\FAKE\build.fsx:line 120
at Fake.TargetHelper.runSingleTarget(TargetTemplate`1 target) in C:\code\fake\src\app\FakeLib\TargetHelper.fs:line 411
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