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Created August 23, 2012 15:19
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Powershell script to upload an archive to AWS Glacier with multipart retry and resume
Aborts a multipart upload to an Amazon Web Services Glacier vault.
Abort-AwsGlacierUpload aborts a multipart upload to an AWS Glacier vault. After an upload is successfully aborted no further parts may be uploaded for that upload request.
Name of the Glacier vault in which the upload was initiated.
Specifies the upload id to be aborted.
.PARAMETER FailIfUploadNotFound
Normally, if an upload id is not found in the specified vault, the failure is swallowed silently. When this switch is true, the failure is propogated.
Path to a log file.
The Amazon Glacier client to use when creating the upload request. Encapsulates access credentials and the region endpoint.
Amazon.Glacier.AmazonGlacier. The client may be passed in as a named parameter or through the pipeline.
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
[string]$VaultName=$(throw "VaultName Required"),
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)]
[string]$UploadId=$(throw "Upload Id to abort Required"),
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS SDK for .NET\bin\AWSSDK.dll"
Function Log
if ($LogFile)
$message | Log
$abortMpuRequest = New-Object Amazon.Glacier.Model.AbortMultipartUploadRequest
$abortMpuRequest.UploadId = $UploadId
$abortMpuRequest.VaultName = $VaultName
"Abort Multipart Upload Request" | Log
$abortMpuRequest | Format-List | Out-String | Log
[Void] $Client.AbortMultipartUpload($abortMpuRequest)
Catch [Amazon.Glacier.Model.ResourceNotFoundException]
#This is often safe to ignore
if ($FailIfUploadNotFound)
$Error[0].Exception.ToString() | Log
Catch [System.Exception]
$Error[0].Exception.ToString() | Log
"Abort Multipart Upload Response" | Log
$abortMpuResponse | Format-List | Out-String | Log
if ($abortMpuResponse.AbortMultipartUploadResult)
"Abort Multipart Upload Result" | Log
$abortMpuResponse.AbortMultipartUploadResult | Format-List | Out-String | Log
Completes a multipart upload request for an Amazon Web Services Glacier vault.
Complete-AwsGlacierMultipartUpload finishes uploading an archive to an AWS Glacier vault. After an upload is successfully completed no further parts may be uploaded for that upload request.
Name of the vault in which the archive will be uploaded.
Specifies the upload id under which the archive is to be uploaded.
.PARAMETER ArchiveSize
Size of the uploaded archive.
The root of the SHA256 tree hash of the uploaded archive. One of Checksum or PartChecksumList is required.
.PARAMETER PartChecksumList
A list of the SHA256 tree hashes for each part of the uploaded archive. One of Checksum or PartChecksumList is required.
Path to a log file.
The Amazon Glacier client to use when creating the upload request. Encapsulates access credentials and the region endpoint.
Amazon.Glacier.AmazonGlacier. The client may be passed in as a named parameter or through the pipeline.
System.String. The archive id for the successfully uploaded archive.
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
[string]$VaultName=$(throw "VaultName is required"),
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)]
[string]$UploadId=$(throw "UploadId is required"),
[Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)]
[long]$ArchiveSize=$(throw "ArchiveSize is required"),
[Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]
[Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true, Mandatory=$false)]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS SDK for .NET\bin\AWSSDK.dll"
Function Log
if ($LogFile)
$message | Out-File $LogFile "UTF8" -NoClobber -Append
if (!$Checksum)
if (!$PartChecksumList)
throw "Either a whole-archive checksum or a list of checksums from each part is required"
$Checksum = [Amazon.Glacier.TreeHashGenerator]::CalculateTreeHash([String[]]$PartChecksumList)
$completeMpuRequest = New-Object Amazon.Glacier.Model.CompleteMultipartUploadRequest
$completeMpuRequest.VaultName = $VaultName
$completeMpuRequest.UploadId = $UploadId
$completeMpuRequest.ArchiveSize = $ArchiveSize
$completeMpuRequest.Checksum = $Checksum
"Complete Multipart Upload Request" | Log
$completeMpuRequest | Format-List | Out-String | Log
$completeMpuResponse = $Client.CompleteMultipartUpload($completeMpuRequest)
Catch [System.Exception]
$Error[0].Exception.ToString() | Log
"Complete Multipart Upload Response" | Log
$completeMpuResponse | Format-List | Out-String | Log
if ($completeMpuResponse.CompleteMultipartUploadResult)
"Complete Multipart Upload Result" | Log
$completeMpuResponse.CompleteMultipartUploadResult | Format-List | Out-String | Log
Uploads an archive (possibly in parts) to an Amazon Web Services Glacier vault.
Do-AwsGlacierUpload uploads a file to an AWS Glaicer vault as an archive.
Name of the vault in which the archive will be uploaded.
.PARAMETER ArchivePath
Path to the file that will be uploaded as an archive.
.PARAMETER ArchiveDescription
Description of the archive for use in inventory.
Size of individual chunks used to upload the archive. Defaults to the size that will provide between 5000 and 10000 parts between 1MB and 4GB.
.PARAMETER ResumeUploadId
Resumes an in-progress upload. Specifies the upload id to resume.
.PARAMETER ContinueFromPart
When resuming an upload, specifies the next part number that should be uploaded. Uploading a part that has already been uploaded will overwrite that part.
Path to a log file.
The Amazon Glacier client to use when creating the upload request. Encapsulates access credentials and the region endpoint.
Amazon.Glacier.AmazonGlacier. The client may be passed in as a named parameter or through the pipeline.
System.String. The archive id of the completed upload
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
[string]$VaultName=$(throw "VaultName Required"),
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)]
[string]$ArchivePath=$(throw "ArchivePath is required"),
[Parameter(Position=2, ParameterSetName="Resume", Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter(Position=2, ParameterSetName="Initial", Mandatory=$false)]
[long]$PartSize=$(.\Get-AwsGlacierMultipartUploadPartSize $ArchivePath),
[Parameter(ParameterSetName="Resume", Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName="Resume", Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS SDK for .NET\bin\AWSSDK.dll"
Function IsPowerOfTwo
($value -ne 0) -and (($value -band ($value - 1)) -eq 0)
if ($PartSize -gt 4GB -or !(IsPowerOfTwo $($PartSize/1MB)))
throw "Part size must be a power of 2 between 1 and $(4GB/1MB)MB"
if (!$ResumeUploadId)
Write-Host "Initiating upload"
$uploadId = $Client | .\Initiate-AwsGlacierMultipartUpload -VaultName:$VaultName -PartSize:$PartSize -ArchiveDescription:$ArchiveDescription -LogFile:$LogFile
Write-Host "Received upload id: $uploadId"
Write-Host "Continuing upload id: $ResumeUploadId"
Write-Host "from part $ContinueFromPart"
$uploadId = $ResumeUploadId
if (!$ContinueFromPart)
$ContinueFromPart = 1
$result = $Client | .\Execute-AwsGlacierMultipartUpload -VaultName:$VaultName -UploadId:$uploadId -ArchivePath:$ArchivePath -PartSize:$PartSize -ContinueFromPart:$ContinueFromPart -LogFile:$LogFile
if ($result.Cancelled)
Write-Host "Cancelling upload"
Write-Host "Be sure to abort upload if you wish to abandon this session"
$message = "Cancelled upload to Glacier Vault '{1}'.{0}Total data transferred {2:N2} GB ({3:P2}). Last successful part: {4}" -f [System.Environment]::NewLine,$VaultName,($result.TransferredBytes/1GB),($result.TransferredBytes/$result.TotalBytes),$result.TransferredParts
elseif ($result.Success)
Write-Host "Completing upload"
$archiveId = $Client | .\Complete-AwsGlacierMultipartUpload -VaultName:$VaultName -UploadId:$uploadId -ArchiveSize:$($result.ArchiveSize) -PartChecksumList:$($result.PartChecksumList) -LogFile:$LogFile
$message = "Completed upload as archive (ID: {1}){0}To Glacier Vault '{2}'. Total data transferred: {3:N2} GB in {4} parts" -f [System.Environment]::NewLine,$archiveId,$VaultName,($result.TransferredBytes/1GB),$result.TransferredParts
Write-Host "Upload Failed"
$message = "Failed upload to Glacier Vault '{1}'.{0}Total data transferred {2:N2} GB ({3:P2}). Last successful part: {4}" -f [System.Environment]::NewLine,$VaultName,($result.TransferredBytes/1GB),($result.TransferredBytes/$result.TotalBytes),$result.TransferredParts
Write-Host $message
Uploads an archive in parts to an Amazon Web Services Glacier vault.
Execute-AwsGlacierMultipartUpload splits a file into parts and uploads them to an AWS Glaicer vault, which then assembles those parts into an archive.
Individual part failures are automatically retried up to -RetriesPerPart times.
Name of the vault in which the archive will be uploaded.
Specifies the upload id under which the archive is to be uploaded.
.PARAMETER ArchivePath
Path to the file that will be uploaded as an archive.
Size of individual chunks used to upload the archive. Must be the same as was specified when initiating the multipart upload request.
.PARAMETER ContinueFromPart
When resuming an upload, specifies the next part number that should be uploaded. Uploading a part that has already been uploaded will overwrite that part.
.PARAMETER RetriesPerPart
Number of times to retry each part before stopping in the event of a failure during upload. Defaults to 3
Path to a log file.
The Amazon Glacier client to use when creating the upload request. Encapsulates access credentials and the region endpoint.
Amazon.Glacier.AmazonGlacier. The client may be passed in as a named parameter or through the pipeline.
System.String[]. A list of the hashes for each part of the archive.
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
[string]$VaultName=$(throw "VaultName is required"),
[Parameter(Position=1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
[string]$UploadId=$(throw "UploadId is required"),
[Parameter(Position=2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
[string]$ArchivePath=$(throw "ArchivePath is required"),
[Parameter(Position=3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
[long]$PartSize=$(throw "PartSize is required"),
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS SDK for .NET\bin\AWSSDK.dll"
$Progress = $true
Function Log
if ($LogFile)
$message | Out-File $LogFile "UTF8" -NoClobber -Append
Function Write-UploadProgress
if ($Progress)
$title = "Uploading {0} to {1}" -f $ArchivePath,$VaultName
$time = [System.DateTimeOffset]::Now
$percentDone = ($currentPosition + $e.TransferredBytes)/$archiveSize
$timeDiff = $time - $startTime
$secondsRemaining = -1
$kBps = [double]::NaN
if ($currentPosition -gt $startingPosition)
if ($timeDiff.TotalSeconds -ge 60)
$secondsRemaining = [int]($timeDiff.TotalSeconds * (($archiveSize - ($currentPosition + $partTransferredBytes))/($currentPosition + $partTransferredBytes - $startingPosition)))
if ($timeDiff.TotalSeconds -gt 0)
$kBps = ($currentPosition + $partTransferredBytes - $startingPosition)/1KB/$timeDiff.TotalSeconds
$status = "{0:N2} of {1:N2} GB transferred ({2:P2}) at {3:N0} kBps avg" -f (($currentPosition + $partTransferredBytes)/1GB),($archiveSize/1GB),$percentDone,$kBps
if ($attempt -le 1)
$attemptMsg = ""
$attemptMsg = "[attempt {0}]" -f $attempt
if (!$CalculatingHash)
$task = "Uploading"
$task = "Calculating SHA256 for"
$partTitle = "{3} part {0} of {1} {2}" -f $currentPart,$totalParts,$attemptMsg,$task
$partPercentDone = $partTransferredBytes/$partTotalBytes
$partTimeDiff = $time - $partStartTime
$partSecondsRemaining = -1
$partKBps = [double]::NaN
if ($partTransferredBytes -gt 0)
if ($timeDiff.TotalSeconds -ge 60)
$partSecondsRemaining = [int]($partTimeDiff.TotalSeconds * (($partTotalBytes - $partTransferredBytes)/$partTransferredBytes))
if ($partTimeDiff.TotalSeconds -gt 0)
$partKBps = $partTransferredBytes/1KB/$partTimeDiff.TotalSeconds
$partStatus = "{0:N2} of {1:N0} MB transferred ({2:P2}) at {3:N0} kBps avg" -f ($partTransferredBytes/1MB),($partTotalBytes/1MB),$partPercentDone,$partKBps
Write-Progress $title -id 1 -status $status -PercentComplete $([int]($PercentDone * 100)) -SecondsRemaining $secondsRemaining
Write-Progress $partTitle -id 2 -status $partStatus -PercentComplete $([int]($partPercentDone * 100)) -ParentId 1 -SecondsRemaining $partSecondsRemaining
Function Trap-ControlC
if ([System.Console]::KeyAvailable)
$key = [System.Console]::ReadKey($true)
if (($key.Modifiers -band [System.ConsoleModifiers]::Control) -and ($key.Key -eq "C"))
$halt = $true
$retVal.Cancelled = $true
"Halting on Control+C" | Log
if ($Throw)
throw (New-Object System.OperationCanceledException)
$retVal = @{}
$retVal.PartChecksumList = @()
$retVal.Client = $Client
$startingPosition = $currentPosition = [long]0
if ($ContinueFromPart)
$startingPosition = $PartSize * ($ContinueFromPart - 1)
$retVal.TransferredBytes = $currentPosition
$retVal.TransferredParts = $ContinueFromPart - 1
$archiveSize = (Get-Item $ArchivePath | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum).Sum
$retVal.TotalBytes = $archiveSize
$totalParts = [int][System.Math]::Ceiling($archiveSize / $PartSize)
$retVal.TotalParts = $totalParts
if ($ContinueFromPart -gt $totalParts)
throw "Can't continue from a part that doesn't exist. Max part: $totalParts"
$fileStream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($ArchivePath, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read)
[System.Console]::TreatControlCAsInput = $true
$startTime = $partStartTime = [System.DateTimeOffset]::Now
"Upload of '$ArchivePath' in $totalParts parts to $VaultName started at $startTime" | Log
"Upload Id: $UploadId" | Log
while ($currentPosition -lt $archiveSize -and !$halt)
$currentPart = [int]($currentPosition / $PartSize) + 1
$attempt = 1
$success = $false
"Part $currentPart of $totalParts, Attempt 1" | Log
$uploadPartStream = [Amazon.Glacier.GlacierUtils]::CreatePartStream($fileStream, $PartSize)
$partTransferredBytes = 0
$partTotalBytes = $uploadPartStream.Length
. Write-UploadProgress -CalculatingHash
$checksum = [Amazon.Glacier.TreeHashGenerator]::CalculateTreeHash($uploadPartStream)
if ($currentPosition -ge $startingPosition)
if ($attempt -gt 1)
"Part $currentPart of $totalParts, Attempt $attempt" | Log
$uploadPartStream = [Amazon.Glacier.GlacierUtils]::CreatePartStream($fileStream, $PartSize)
$partTransferredBytes = 0
$partTotalBytes = $uploadPartStream.Length
. Write-UploadProgress -CalculatingHash
$checksum = [Amazon.Glacier.TreeHashGenerator]::CalculateTreeHash($uploadPartStream)
"Checksum : $checksum" | Log
$uploadMpuRequest = New-Object Amazon.Glacier.Model.UploadMultipartPartRequest
$uploadMpuRequest.VaultName = $VaultName
$uploadMpuRequest.Body = $uploadPartStream
$uploadMpuRequest.Checksum = $checksum
$uploadMpuRequest.UploadId = $UploadId
$uploadMpuRequest.StreamTransferProgress += `
[System.EventHandler[Amazon.Runtime.StreamTransferProgressArgs]] `
if ($count -eq 0 -or $e.PercentDone -eq 100)
$partTransferredBytes = $e.TransferredBytes
$partTotalBytes = $e.TotalBytes
. Write-UploadProgress
. Trap-ControlC -Throw
$count = ($count + 1) % 100
[Amazon.Glacier.AmazonGlacierExtensions]::SetRange($uploadMpuRequest,$currentPosition, $currentPosition + $uploadPartStream.Length - 1)
"Upload Multipart Part Request" | Log
$uploadMpuRequest | Format-List | Out-String | Log
$partStartTime = [System.DateTimeOffset]::Now
$uploadMpuResponse = $Client.UploadMultipartPart($uploadMpuRequest)
$success = $true
"Upload Multipart Part Response" | Log
$uploadMpuResponse | Format-List | Out-String | Log
if ($uploadMpuResponse.UploadMultipartPartResult)
"Upload Multipart Part Result" | Log
$uploadMpuResponse.UploadMultipartPartResult | Format-List | Out-String | Log
Catch [System.Exception]
if (!$halt)
$err = $Error[0].Exception
Write-Host "Error while sending part $currentPart, attempt $attempt"
Write-Host $($Error[0]) -ForegroundColor Red
$err.ToString() | Log
$attempt += 1
} Until ($success -or $attempt -gt $retriesPerPart -or $halt)
$currentPosition = $currentPosition + $uploadPartStream.Length
$retVal.PartChecksumList += $checksum
. Trap-ControlC
if ($success)
"Part $currentPart of $totalParts sent" | Log
Write-Verbose "Successfully sent part $currentPart"
$currentPosition = $currentPosition + $uploadPartStream.Length
$retVal.TransferredBytes = $currentPosition
$retVal.TransferredParts = $currentPart
$retVal.PartChecksumList += $checksum
elseif ($attempt -gt $retriesPerPart)
"Part $currentPart of $totalParts failed!" | Log
$halt = $true
$retVal.Success = !$halt
[System.Console]::TreatControlCAsInput = $false
"Finished upload of '$ArchivePath' to $VaultName at $([System.DateTimeOffset]::Now)" | Log
$retVal | Format-List | Out-String | Log
Creates a new multipart upload request for an Amazon Web Services Glacier vault.
Initiate-AwsGlacierMultipartUpload creates a new upload request to put an archive to an existing vault in an AWS Glacier account.
Name of the vault in which the archive will be uploaded.
Size of individual chunks used to upload the archive. Must be in multiples of a power of 2 times 1MB (e.g., 1MB, 2MB, 4MB, 8MB.) up to 4GB.
.PARAMETER ArchiveDescription
Description of the archive for use in inventory.
Path to a log file.
The Amazon Glacier client to use when creating the upload request. Encapsulates access credentials and the region endpoint.
Amazon.Glacier.AmazonGlacier. The client may be passed in as a named parameter or through the pipeline.
System.String. The upload id for the multipart archive upload request.
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
[string]$VaultName=$(throw "VaultName Required"),
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)]
[long]$PartSize=$(throw "PartSize Required"),
[Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)]
[string]$ArchiveDescription=$(throw "ArchiveDescription Required"),
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS SDK for .NET\bin\AWSSDK.dll"
Function Log
if ($LogFile)
$message | Out-File $LogFile "UTF8" -NoClobber -Append
$initiateMpuRequest = New-Object Amazon.Glacier.Model.InitiateMultipartUploadRequest
$initiateMpuRequest.VaultName = $VaultName
$initiateMpuRequest.PartSize = $PartSize
$initiateMpuRequest.ArchiveDescription = $ArchiveDescription
"Initiate Multipart Upload Request" | Log
$initiateMpuRequest | Format-List | Out-String | Log
$initiateMpuResponse = $Client.InitiateMultipartUpload($initiateMpuRequest)
Catch [System.Exception]
$Error[0].Exception.ToString() | Log
"Initiate Multipart Upload Response" | Log
$initiateMpuResponse | Format-List | Out-String | Log
if ($initiateMpuResponse.InitiateMultipartUploadResult)
"Initiate Multipart Upload Result" | Log
$initiateMpuResponse.InitiateMultipartUploadResult | Format-List | Out-String | Log
Creates an AWS Glacier Client
New-AwsGlacierClient creates a new AWS Glacier Client.
System name of the region endpoint to use. Defaults to "us-east-1".
The path to a file which contains AWS access credentials. The Access Key should be on the first line of the file, and the second should be the Secret Access Key.
The AWS access key to use for upload. Required if AwsKeyFile is not specified.
.PARAMETER AwsSecretAccessKeyId
The AWS secret access key to use to upload. Required if AwsKeyFile is not specified.
None. Abort-AwsGlacierUpload does not accept piped objects.
Amazon.Glacier.AmazonGlacier. The Amazon Glacier Client.
[Parameter(ParameterSetName="UsingKeyFile", Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName="NotUsingKeyFile", Mandatory=$true)]
[string]$AwsAccessKeyId=$(if (!$awsKeyFile) {throw "AWS Access Key is required"}),
[Parameter(ParameterSetName="NotUsingKeyFile", Mandatory=$true)]
[string]$AwsSecretAccessKeyId=$(if (!$awsKeyFile) {throw "AWS Secret Access Key is required"}))
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS SDK for .NET\bin\AWSSDK.dll"
if ($awsSecretAccessKeyId -and $awsAccessKeyId -and $awsKeyFile)
throw "Provide either an AWS Access and Secret Access Key pair or specify a file where those credentials can be found, but not both."
elseif (!($awsAccessKeyId -and $awsSecretAccessKeyId) -and !$awsKeyFile)
throw "AWS Access and Secret Access Keys required or specify a file where those credentials can be found."
elseif (!($awsAccessKeyId -and $awsSecretAccessKeyId))
$content = Get-Content $awsKeyFile
$awsAccessKeyId = $content[0]
$awsSecretAccessKeyId = $content[1]
$RegionEndpoint = [Amazon.RegionEndpoint]::GetBySystemName($SystemName)
New-Object Amazon.Glacier.AmazonGlacierClient($awsAccessKeyId, $awsSecretAccessKeyId, $RegionEndpoint)
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Thank you. I was just about to embark on scripting this myself.

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FishB1s commented Aug 12, 2015

Execute-MPU line 210 -> Dont check final part -> Final part size use global part size and Upload Failed with error - "transfered more then archive size"

I'm add this lines for resolve this issue:

if(($archiveSize - $currentPosition) -lt $PartSize){
"Part $currentPart is final part. Calculate part size." | Log
$PartSize = ($archiveSize - $currentPosition)

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