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Created February 15, 2015 18:50
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Knight's Tour : 5x5 = 1728 : written in Java
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import static java.lang.System.out;
import java.util.*;
* @author neojou
public class HourseJumpMap {
class ChessMap {
protected int[][] map;
protected int size;
ChessMap(int size) {
this.size = size;
map = new int[size][size];
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
for (int j=0; j<size; j++)
map[i][j] = 0;
ChessMap(ChessMap cm) {
this.size = cm.getSize();
map = copyMap(cm.getMap());
ChessMap(int[][] m) {
this.size = m.length;
map = copyMap(m);
public int[][] getMap() {
return map;
public int[][] copyMap(int[][] m) {
int[][] r = new int[size][size];
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
for (int j=0; j<size; j++)
r[i][j] = m[i][j];
return r;
public int getSize() {
return this.size;
public void setValue(int x, int y, int v) {
map[y][x] = v;
public int getValue(int x, int y) {
return map[y][x];
public void show() {
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<size; j++) {
out.printf(" %d", map[i][j]);
out.println(" ");
protected int size;
protected ChessMap chess_map;
ArrayList<ChessMap> result;
HourseJumpMap(int size) {
this.size = size;
chess_map = new ChessMap(size);
result = new ArrayList<ChessMap>();
public void show() {
public void show(ChessMap m) {;
public int think(int start_x, int start_y) {
result = new ArrayList<ChessMap>();
think_next(chess_map, start_x, start_y, 1);
int result_num = result.size();
if ( result_num > 0 ) {
out.printf("Found %d %n", result_num);
for (int i=0; i<result_num; i++) {
ChessMap m = (ChessMap)result.get(i);
out.printf("Solution [%d] %n", i+1);
} else {
out.println("Not found");
return result_num;
public int think_next(ChessMap cm, int cx, int cy, int steps) {
int ret;
if ( cx < 0 || cx >= size ) return 0;
if ( cy < 0 || cy >= size ) return 0;
if ( cm.getValue(cx, cy) != 0 ) { // already set
return 0;
//ChessMap cm1 = new ChessMap(cm);
cm.setValue(cx, cy, steps);
if ( steps == size*size ) {
out.println("think_next found");;
result.add(new ChessMap(cm));
cm.setValue(cx, cy, 0);
return 1;
// upper right
ret = 0;
ret += think_next(cm, cx+2, cy-1, steps+1);
ret += think_next(cm, cx+2, cy+1, steps+1);
ret += think_next(cm, cx+1, cy-2, steps+1);
ret += think_next(cm, cx+1, cy+2, steps+1);
ret += think_next(cm, cx-2, cy-1, steps+1);
ret += think_next(cm, cx-2, cy+1, steps+1);
ret += think_next(cm, cx-1, cy-2, steps+1);
ret += think_next(cm, cx-1, cy+2, steps+1);
cm.setValue(cx, cy, 0);
if ( ret == 0 ) return 0;
else return 1;
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here
HourseJumpMap hjm = new HourseJumpMap(5);;
int result_num = 0;
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<5; j++) {
result_num += hjm.think(i, j);
out.printf("total solutions: %d %n", result_num);
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