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Created April 5, 2020 05:39
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import Foundation
func randomDouble() -> Double {
return Double(arc4random_uniform(UInt32.max)) / Double(UInt32.max)
struct CalculatorBrain {
var numberFormatter: NumberFormatter?
private var accumulator: (value: Double?, description: String) = (nil, "") {
didSet {
private func formatValue(_ number: Double) -> String {
if let formatter = numberFormatter {
return formatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: number))!
else {
return "\(number)"
private enum Operation {
case constant(Double)
case nullaryOperation(() -> Double)
case unaryOperation((Double) -> Double)
case binaryOperation((Double, Double) -> Double)
case equals
private var operations: Dictionary<String, Operation> = [
"π" : Operation.constant(Double.pi),
"e" : Operation.constant(M_E),
"RND" : Operation.nullaryOperation(randomDouble),
"√" : Operation.unaryOperation(sqrt),
"∛" : Operation.unaryOperation({pow($0, 1.0/3.0)}), // Cubed root function
"x²" : Operation.unaryOperation({$0 * $0}),
"x³" : Operation.unaryOperation({$0 * $0 * $0}),
"sin" : Operation.unaryOperation(sin),
"cos" : Operation.unaryOperation(cos),
"tan" : Operation.unaryOperation(tan),
"log" : Operation.unaryOperation(log10),
"ln" : Operation.unaryOperation(log),
"±" : Operation.unaryOperation({-$0}),
"%" : Operation.unaryOperation({$0 / 100}),
"×" : Operation.binaryOperation({$0 * $1}),
"÷" : Operation.binaryOperation({$0 / $1}),
"+" : Operation.binaryOperation({$0 + $1}),
"−" : Operation.binaryOperation({$0 - $1}),
"=" : Operation.equals
mutating func performOperation(_ symbol: String) {
if let operation = operations[symbol] {
switch operation {
case .constant(let value):
accumulator = (value, "\(symbol)")
case .nullaryOperation(let function):
let result = function()
accumulator = (result, formatValue(result))
case .unaryOperation(let function):
if accumulator.value != nil {
let description : String
if resultIsPending {
// Unary operations execute on the current operand. If there
// is a pending operation the description of the pending
// operation needs to be included in the description. Include the
// pending operation description before the unary operation
// description and clear the pending operation description since
// it has been accounted for here.
description = pendingBinaryOperation!.description + "\(symbol)(\(accumulator.description))"
pendingBinaryOperation!.description = ""
else {
description = "\(symbol)(\(accumulator.description))"
accumulator = (function(accumulator.value!), description)
case .binaryOperation(let function):
if accumulator.value != nil {
pendingBinaryOperation = PendingBinaryOperation(function: function,
firstOperand: accumulator.value!,
description: "\(accumulator.description) \(symbol) ")
accumulator = (nil, pendingBinaryOperation!.description)
case .equals:
private mutating func performPendingBinaryOperation() {
if pendingBinaryOperation != nil && accumulator.value != nil {
accumulator = (pendingBinaryOperation!.perform(with: accumulator.value!),
pendingBinaryOperation!.description + "\(accumulator.description)")
pendingBinaryOperation = nil
private var pendingBinaryOperation: PendingBinaryOperation?
var resultIsPending: Bool {
get {
return pendingBinaryOperation != nil
private struct PendingBinaryOperation {
let function: (Double, Double) -> Double
let firstOperand: Double
var description: String
func perform(with secondOperand: Double) -> Double {
return function(firstOperand, secondOperand)
mutating func setOperand(_ operand: Double) {
accumulator = (operand, formatValue(operand))
var result: (value: Double?, description: String) {
get {
// Strip off trailing white space from the accumulator description
let description = accumulator.description.replacingOccurrences(of: "\\s+$", with: "", options: .regularExpression)
return (value: accumulator.value, description)
mutating func reset() {
accumulator = (nil, "")
pendingBinaryOperation = nil
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