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Created May 21, 2014 17:13
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Node.JS Streams examples
util = require 'util'
printArgs = (method) ->
(args...) -> console.log method, util.inspect(args)
# Read a file and redirect it to standart output
fs = require 'fs'
stream = fs.createReadStream(__filename)
# stream.pipe(process.stdout)
# stream =====> stdout
# pipe
# -> ReadStream
# What is the nature of process.stdout?
# Let's call pipe method with null argument.
# Each error give us a missing method:
# stream.pipe null
# pipe needs an argument with all theese method.
on: printArgs('on')
once: printArgs('once')
emit: printArgs('emit')
write: printArgs('write')
end: printArgs('end')
# -> WriteStream
# The big picture:
# ReadStream =====> WriteStream
# pipe
stream.on 'close', -> console.log 'ReadStream closed'
Readable = require('stream').Readable
util = require 'util'
Counter = (opt) ->, opt)
this._max = 1000
this._index = 1
util.inherits Counter, Readable
# Other words to say this:
# class Counter extends Readable
Counter.prototype._read = ->
i = this._index++
if i > this._max
this.push null
str = '' + i
buf = new Buffer(str, 'ascii')
this.push buf
# In coffee you can also write this:
class Counter extends Readable
constructor: (opt) ->
super opt
@_max = 1000
@_index = 1
_read: ->
i = @_index++
if i > @_max
@push null
str = "#{i}"
buf = new Buffer str, 'ascii'
@push buf
# To run:
#c = new Counter()
#c.pipe process.stdout
# Let's write a stream that takes a string as arguments and stream it to stdout
class StringStream extends Readable
constructor: (@str, opt) ->
super opt
_read: ->
@push @str
@push null
s = new StringStream "toto"
# That's it.
Readable = require('stream').Readable
Writable = require('stream').Writable
Transform = require('stream').Transform
class StringStream extends Readable
constructor: (@str, opt) ->
super opt
_read: ->
@push @str
@push null
# Let's pipe this stream on a custom WriteStream.
class PrefixStream extends Writable
constructor: (@prefix, opt) ->
super opt
_write: (chunk, encoding, callback) ->
console.log "#{@prefix}#{chunk}"
r = new StringStream "world!"
w = new PrefixStream "Hello, "
#r.pipe w
# Awesome, but not neat.
# _write prefixes the chunk and write it with console.log: not that good.
# Let's use a Transfom instead of a Writable.
class Prefixer extends Transform
constructor: (@prefix, opt) ->
super opt
_transform: (chunk, encoding, callback) ->
@push "#{@prefix}#{chunk}"
# And finally:
t = new Prefixer "Hello, "
# Cleaner, neater.
require 'event-stream'
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