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Created February 9, 2014 08:18
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Feature: Update local repo on the Betterrev server with changesets from the OpenJDK mercurial repos
Feature: Update local repo on the Betterrev server with changesets from the OpenJDK mercurial repos
As the Adopt OpenJDK user (on the Betterrev server)
I would like to retrieve changesets from the OpenJDK mercurial repos into my local repos
So that my local repos are always in sync with the OpenJDK mercurial repos
Scenario: Script to connect to the OpenJDK mercurial repos is available
Given (the actor) is running and has the necessary configuration in place
Scenario: Script to connect to the OpenJDK mercurial repos is NOT available
Given (the server) is running and has the necessary configuration is supplied
When the actor is run
And it uses configuration info to run the script
And the script cannot be found
Then the actor stops,
And reports error into the logger
Scenario: No new changesets to download from the OpenJDK mercurial repos
Scenario: Only one changeset to download from the OpenJDK mercurial repos
Given (the actor) is running and has the necessary configuration in place
When the polling time-out elapses
And it iterates through all OpenJDK mercurial repos
And finds one changeset in any OpenJDK mercurial repo to download
Then (the actor) fetches the changeset and downloads it into the local repo Adopt OpenJDK
And logs the activity into the respective log file
And publishes an event into the respective event bus
Scenario: Two or more changeset to download from the OpenJDK mercurial repos
Scenario: No access to OpenJDK mercurial repos from Betterrev server
When server is down
Or server address is incorrect
Scenario: Access to OpenJDK mercurial repos from Betterrev server times out
Scenario: Download of changesets from OpenJDK mercurial repos to Betterrev server is slow
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