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Created March 24, 2018 01:42
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-- stack --resolver lts-10.3 --install-ghc runghc --package fmt --package base-prelude --package optparse-applicative --package text
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
-- | A small program replicating a part of @aws-cli@ (only the interface,
-- not the functionality).
module Main where
import BasePrelude
import Data.Text (Text)
import Options.Applicative
import Fmt
main = do
fmt . build =<< execParser (describe "Control AWS (not really)" parseCli)
-- | Some options (we support only two) and a command.
data Cli = Cli
{ debug :: Bool
, endpointUrl :: Maybe Text
, cmd :: Command
deriving Generic
instance Buildable Cli where
build = genericF
-- | A command is either "s3" or "ec2" (for controlling the S3 and EC2
-- services respectively). They have subcommands, which are handled in the
-- same data type even though in a real app they would be put into separate
-- types.
data Command
= S3_ls
{ uri :: Maybe Text
, recursive :: Bool
, pageSize :: Maybe Int
| S3_mv
{ from :: Text
, to :: Text
| EC2_copyImage
{ name :: Text
, imageId :: Text
, region :: Text
deriving Generic
instance Buildable Command where
build = genericF
-- | A parser for the CLI.
parseCli :: Parser Cli
parseCli = do
debug <- switch $
long "debug" <>
help "Turn on debug logging"
endpointUrl <- optional $ strOption $
long "endpoint-url" <>
metavar "URL" <>
help "Override command's default URL with the given URL"
cmd <- parseCommand
pure Cli{..}
-- | A parser for commands.
parseCommand :: Parser Command
parseCommand = subparser $ mconcat
[ command "s3" $ describe "Simple Storage Service" $ subparser $
command "ls" (describe "List S3 objects" s3_ls) <>
command "mv" (describe "Move an S3 object" s3_mv)
, command "ec2" $ describe "Elastic Compute Cloud" $ subparser $
command "copy-image" (describe "Copy an AMI" ec2_copyImage)
-- S3 commands
s3_ls = do
uri <- optional $ strArgument $
metavar "S3 URI"
recursive <- switch $
long "recursive" <>
help "Command is performed on all files or objects"
pageSize <- optional $ option auto $
long "page-size" <>
help "The number of results to return in each response"
pure S3_ls{..}
s3_mv = do
from <- strArgument (metavar "PATH")
to <- strArgument (metavar "PATH")
pure S3_mv{..}
-- EC2 commands
ec2_copyImage = do
name <- strOption $
long "name" <>
help "The name of the new AMI"
imageId <- strOption $
long "source-image-id" <>
help "The ID of the AMI to copy"
region <- strOption $
long "source-region" <>
help "The region that contains the copied AMI"
pure EC2_copyImage{..}
-- | An utility for adding descriptions to commands (stolen from
-- lambdaPass and flipped).
describe :: String -> Parser a -> ParserInfo a
describe desc opts = info (helper <*> opts) $ progDesc desc
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