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Last active July 15, 2016 10:44
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Generic print that truncates all Doubles in output
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
import System.IO
import GHC.IO.Encoding
import GHC.IO.Buffer
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.IORef
import Numeric
-- Magic print
print' s = do
Just enc <- hGetEncoding stdout
hSetEncoding stdout (hackTextEncoding enc)
bm <- hGetBuffering stdout
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
print (transformBi hackDouble s)
hSetBuffering stdout bm
hSetEncoding stdout enc
main = do
print' ([1/7 :: Double, 1/11, 0], Just (0.134556356 :: Double))
-- Outputs ([0.1429,0.0909,0.0],Just 0.1346)
-- Awful things
hackDouble :: Double -> Double
hackDouble d = unsafePerformIO $ do
putStr (showFFloat Nothing (fromIntegral (round (d*10000)) / 10000) "")
putStr "\1"
return 0
hackTextEncoder :: TextEncoder s -> IO (TextEncoder s)
hackTextEncoder BufferCodec{..} = do
st <- newIORef 0
return BufferCodec {
getState = getState,
setState = setState,
recover = recover,
close = close,
encode = \bufFrom bufTo -> do
let raw = bufRaw bufFrom
c <- peekCharBuf raw (bufL bufFrom)
n <- readIORef st
if | n /= 0 -> do
writeIORef st (n-1)
return (InputUnderflow, bufferRemove 1 bufFrom, bufTo)
| c == '\1' -> do
writeIORef st 3
return (InputUnderflow, bufferRemove 1 bufFrom, bufTo)
| otherwise ->
encode bufFrom bufTo
hackTextEncoding :: TextEncoding -> TextEncoding
hackTextEncoding TextEncoding{..} = TextEncoding {
textEncodingName = textEncodingName,
mkTextEncoder = hackTextEncoder =<< mkTextEncoder,
mkTextDecoder = mkTextDecoder }
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