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Last active December 1, 2018 05:19
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The Deck of Multitudes

An ornately carved box opens to reveal a deck of 22 cards. Any player who wishes to use the Deck of Multitudes declares how many cards they would like to draw (between 1 and 3) and draws exactly that many cards. The cards take effect in the order they are drawn. Once the player has finished, they may not draw again for a year.

1.  O - The Fool ............ (Joker)
2.  I - The Magician ........ (Ace ... of Diamonds)
3.  II - The High Priestess . (Jack .. of Diamonds)
4.  III - The Empress ....... (Queen . of Diamonds)
5.  IV - The Emperor ........ (King .. of Diamonds)
6.  V - The Heirophant ...... (Ace ... of Hearts)
7.  VI - The Lovers ......... (2 ..... of Hearts)
8.  VII - The Chariot ....... (Jack .. of Hearts)
9.  VIII - Strength ......... (Queen . of Hearts)
10. IX - The Hermit ......... (King .. of Hearts)
11. X - Wheel of Fortune .... (3 ..... of Spades)
12. XI - Justice ............ (Jack .. of Spades)
13. XII - The Hanged Man .... (Queen . of Spades)
14. XIII - Death ............ (Ace ... of Spades)
15. XIV - Temperance ........ (2 ..... of Spades)
16. XV - The Devil .......... (King .. of Spades)
17. XVI - The Tower ......... (Ace ... of Clubs)
18. XVII - The Star ......... (8 ..... of Clubs)
19. XVIII - The Moon ........ (9 ..... of Clubs)
20. XIX - The Sun ........... (Jack .. of Clubs)
21. XX - Judgement .......... (Queen . of Clubs)
22. XXI - The World ......... (King .. of Clubs)

O - The Fool: Your highest stat and your lowest stat switch places immediately.

I - The Magician: A magical item of the GM's choosing appears before you.

II - The High Priestess:

III - The Empress: Gain 10 XP.

IV - The Emperor: Somebody of the GM's choosing who holds you in positive regard no longer remembers you or recognizes you.

V - The Heirophant: At any point within a year from now, you may recieve a truthful answer to any single question. If the question is relevant to some problem you are facing, your answer will also contain advice on how to put the new information to use.

VI - The Lovers: At any point within a year from now, pick one person (besides yourself) to recieve this card's blessings. They will never get sick, are healed of any current ailments and, barring violence, will live to the end of their natural lifespan or yours, whichever is longer.

VII - The Chariot: Gain 20 XP.

VIII - Strength:

IX - The Hermit: Your soul is taken from your body and placed into a vessel somewhere in the world. You no longer feel emotions and you lose your inner sense of right and wrong. You return to normal when your soul vessel is destroyed.

X - Wheel of Fortune: A sparkling gem worth 1,000,000 coins appears before you. Draw 2 more cards.

XI - Justice: Upon meeting you, everyone, everywhere, immediately knows about the worst thing you ever did up until today.

XII - The Hanged Man: A non-player character of the GM's choice becomes hostile toward you. Their identity isn't known to you until it is revealed by them or someone else. Nothing less than a wish can end the hostility.

XIII - Death: A horrible monster is released to wreak havoc upon the world.

XIV - Temperance:

XV - The Devil: Every magical item you own or carry disintegrates.

XVI - The Tower: Every non-magical item you own or carry disintegrates.

XVII - The Star: A devastating natural disaster strikes a place of the GM's choosing sometime today.

XVIII - The Moon: You are granted one wish.

XIX - The Sun: ---------

XX - Judgement: An angel of judgement appears before you and looks into your past, judging your actions. If you have left the world a better place, you gain 10 XP and are granted a wish. If you have left the world a worse place, every form of wealth you own or carry, mundane or magical, disintegrates, and you may not draw any more cards.

XXI - The World: At any point within a year from now, you may erase or avoid a single event in history, and time will re-write itself as though it had never happened.

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