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Forked from mfischr/pj-append.bash
Created December 27, 2023 03:07
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# pj-append.bash is a timestamped log file for you, a human. Set up a cron job to launch it every
# hour to note what you were working on, or append lines from the terminal whenever you're chewing
# on a hard problem.
# Use the data to build a picture of what you worked on during the last week, or grep
# last quarter's log to find out why you decided to use library A instead of library B.
# (pj = personal journal. Using alias pj="pj-append.bash" makes it quicker to use from the terminal)
# Writes timestamped lines of text to quarterly log files like pj-2020Q3.log. The log files
# are automatically placed in the same directory as the script.
# Crontab looks like this:
# 0 * * * * <whatever-directory>/pj-append.bash
# Run without arguments from the terminal. Whatever you type gets appended to the current
# log file. You can also type "edit" to open a window to edit the current log file, or "tail"
# to print the last 10 lines.
# Change these to suit your preferences. Note that the exact syntax needed here can vary
# from terminal to term
# Regex that gets matched against date "+%u.%H" to determine whether we're within working hours
# (if you only want the window to pop up during working hours)
# Following is a bunch of crap to detect if we're not in an interactive terminal
# (like, if we're in a cron job) and, if not, re-launch from inside an interactive terminal.
# 1 is stdin; -t tests if it's a vaild file descriptor. If not, then that
# means we're not in an interactive terminal.
if [ ! -t 1 ]; then
if ! [[ $(date "+%u.%H") =~ $WORKING_HOURS_REGEX ]]; then
exit 0
# Make sure there's a display to talk to
if [[ -z "$DISPLAY" ]]; then
# :0 is usually the default display, except when it's not... so here's how we get it
_user=$(id -un)
export DISPLAY=$(w | sed -E "s/^${_user}[[:space:]]+(tty|:)[[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]+(:[[:digit:]]+) .*/\2/;t;d")
if [[ -z "$DISPLAY" ]]; then
echo "no currently active session; aborting"
exit 1
# Launching X apps needs DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS too. Luckily the format is very predictable
# This might not always work, later on we might need
# ps -u 1000 x -o pid | while read p; do grep -az "^DBUS" /proc/$p/environ; done
export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="unix:path=/run/user/$(id -u)/bus"
# relaunch in new environment. Note that the exact syntax needed here can vary from
# terminal to terminal
$TERMINAL -- "$0" "$@"
_mydir=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))
month=$(date +%m)
month=${month#0} # remove the leading zero so it's not interpreted as octal
quarter=$((($month - 1) / 3 + 1))
year=$(date +%Y)
timestamp=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
echo "What's up?"
# -e: allow editing (arrow keys, ctrl-backspace)
# -t: set timeout
read -e -t 300 what_is_up
if [[ "$what_is_up" = "edit" ]]; then
setsid $EDITOR $logfile > /dev/null 2>&1
sleep .5
elif [[ "$what_is_up" = "tail" ]]; then
echo ""
tail -n 10 $logfile
if [[ "$what_is_up" == "" ]]; then
echo "You really should write something."
read -t 300 what_is_up
if [[ "$what_is_up" != "" ]]; then
echo "$timestamp $what_is_up" >> $logfile
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