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Forked from gpittarelli/
Last active November 19, 2017 16:14
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  • Save neophob/0c8cfdd460b8332002e7ba74aa1e9ffd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Prunes very-likely-uneeded files from node_modules directories
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Port of to bash
# Also,
# - fixed "*.ts" being overzealous and killing .d.ts files
# - added some more file types from
# See also:
# -
# -
# -
# Prunes common files that are unnecessarily published in npm packages
# when people don't configure `.npmignore` or package.json's `files`
# TODO/unclear:
# - *.map files
echo "Before: "$(du -hs .)
echo "Files: "$(find node_modules/ -type f | wc -l)
# Common unneeded files
find . -type d -name node_modules -prune -exec find {} -type f \( \
-iname Makefile -or \
-iname README -or \
-iname -or \
-iname CHANGELOG -or \
-iname -or \
-name .editorconfig -or \
-name .gitmodules -or \
-name .gitattributes -or \
-name robot.html -or \
-name .lint -or \
-iname Gulpfile.js -or \
-iname Gruntfile.js -or \
-name .tern-project -or \
-name .gitattributes -or \
-name .editorconfig -or \
-name .eslintrc -or \
-name .jshintrc -or \
-name .npmignore -or \
-name .flowconfig -or \
-name .documentup.json -or \
-name .yarn-metadata.json -or \
-name .travis.yml -or \
-name thumbs.db -or \
-name .tern-port -or \
-name .ds_store -or \
-name desktop.ini -or \
-name npm-debug.log -or \
-name .npmrc -or \
-iname LICENSE.txt -or \
-iname -or \
-iname LICENSE-MIT -or \
-iname LICENSE-MIT.txt -or \
-iname LICENSE.BSD -or \
-iname LICENSE-BSD -or \
-iname LICENSE-jsbn -or \
-iname LICENSE -or \
-iname AUTHORS -or \
-iname CONTRIBUTORS -or \
-name .yarn-integrity -or \
-name builderror.log -or \
-name "*.md" -or \
-name "*.sln" -or \
-name "*.obj" -or \
-name "*.gypi" -or \
-name "*.vcxproj" -or \
-name "*.vcxproj.filters" -or \
\( -name '*.ts' -and \! -name '*.d.ts' \) -or \
-name "*.jst" -or \
-name "*.coffee" \
\) -print0 \; | xargs -0 rm -rf
# Common unneeded directories
find . -type d -name node_modules -prune -exec find {} -type d \( \
-name __tests__ -or \
-name test -or \
-name tests -or \
-name powered-test -or \
-name docs -or \
-name doc -or \
-name website -or \
-name images -or \
-name assets -or \
-name example -or \
-name examples -or \
-name coverage -or \
-name node-gyp -or \
-name node-pre-gyp -or \
-name gyp -or \
-name .nyc_output \
\) -print0 \; | xargs -0 rm -rf
echo "After: "$(du -hs .)
echo "Files: "$(find node_modules/ -type f | wc -l)
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