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Created November 20, 2015 23:53
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Helper functions for building autoencoders
import lasagne
import theano
from lasagne import init
from lasagne import nonlinearities
from lasagne.layers import get_all_layers
from lasagne.layers import (
NonlinearityLayer, BiasLayer,
DropoutLayer, GaussianNoiseLayer,
InputLayer, InverseLayer)
def build_autoencoder(layer, nonlinearity='same', b=init.Constant(0.)):
Unfolds a stack of layers into a symmetric autoencoder with tied weights.
Given a :class:`Layer` instance, this function builds a
symmetric autoencoder with tied weights.
layer : a :class:`Layer` instance or a tuple
The :class:`Layer` instance with respect to which a symmetric
autoencoder is built.
nonlinearity : 'same', list, callable, or None
The nonlinearities that are applied to the decoding layer.
If 'same', each decoder layer has the same nonlinearity as its
corresponding encoder layer. If a list is provided, it must contain
nonlinearities for each decoding layer. Otherwise, if a single
nonlinearity is provided, it is applied to all decoder layers.
If set to ``None``, all nonlinearities for the decoder layers are set
to lasagne.nonlinearities.identity.
b : callable, Theano shared variable, numpy array, list or None
An initializer for the decoder biases. By default, all decoder
biases are initialized to lasagne.init.Constant(0.). If a shared
variable or a numpy array is provided, the shape must match the
incoming shape (only in case all incoming shapes are the same).
Additianlly, a list containing initializers for the biases of each
decoder layer can be provided. If set to ``None``, the decoder
layers will have no biases, and pass through their input instead.
layer: :class:`Layer` instance
The output :class:`Layer` of the symmetric autoencoder with
tied weights.
encoder: :class:`Layer` instance
The code :class:`Layer` of the autoencoder (see Notes)
The encoder (input) :class:`Layer` is changed using
`unfold_bias_and_nonlinearity_layers`. Therefore, this layer is not the
code layer anymore, because it has got its bias and nonlinearity stripped
>>> from lasagne.layers import InputLayer, DenseLayer
>>> from lasagne.layers import build_autoencoder
>>> l_in = InputLayer((100, 20))
>>> l1 = DenseLayer(l_in, num_units=50)
>>> l2 = DenseLayer(l1, num_units=10)
>>> l_ae, l2 = build_autoencoder(l2, nonlinearity='same', b=None)
if isinstance(nonlinearity, (tuple, list)):
n_idx = 0
if isinstance(b, (tuple, list)):
b_idx = 0
encoder = unfold_bias_and_nonlinearity_layers(layer)
layers = get_all_layers(encoder)
autoencoder_layers = [encoder]
kwargs_b = dict(b=None)
kwargs_n = dict(nonlinearity=nonlinearities.identity)
for i, layer in enumerate(layers[::-1]):
incoming = autoencoder_layers[-1]
if isinstance(layer, InputLayer):
elif isinstance(layer, BiasLayer):
if b is None:
kwargs_b = dict(b=None)
elif isinstance(b, (tuple, list)):
kwargs_b = dict(b=b[b_idx])
b_idx += 1
kwargs_b = dict(b=b)
elif isinstance(layer, NonlinearityLayer):
if nonlinearity == 'same':
kwargs_n = dict(nonlinearity=layer.nonlinearity)
elif nonlinearity is None:
kwargs_n = dict(nonlinearity=nonlinearities.identity)
elif isinstance(nonlinearity, (tuple, list)):
kwargs_n = dict(nonlinearity=nonlinearity[n_idx])
n_idx += 1
kwargs_n = dict(nonlinearity=nonlinearity)
elif isinstance(layer, DropoutLayer):
a_layer = DropoutLayer(
elif isinstance(layer, GaussianNoiseLayer):
a_layer = GaussianNoiseLayer(
a_layer = InverseLayer(
if hasattr(layer, 'b'):
a_layer = BiasLayer(
if hasattr(layer, 'nonlinearity'):
a_layer = NonlinearityLayer(
return autoencoder_layers[-1], encoder
def unfold_bias_and_nonlinearity_layers(layer):
Unfolds a stack of layers adding :class:`BiasLayer` and
:class:`NonlinearityLayer` when needed.
Given a :class:`Layer` instance representing a stacked network,
this function adds a :class:`BiasLayer` instance and/or a
:class:`NonlinearityLayer` instance in between each layer with attributes
b (bias) and/or nonlinearity, with the same bias and nonlinearity,
while deleting the bias and or setting the nonlinearity
of the original layer to the identity
layer : a :class:`Layer` instance or a tuple
The :class:`Layer` instance with respect to wich the new
stacked Neural Network with added :class:`BiasLayer`: and
class:`NonlinearityLayer` are built.
layer: :class:`Layer` instance
The output :class:`Layer` of the symmetric autoencoder with
tied weights.
>>> import lasagne
>>> from lasagne.layers import InputLayer, DenseLayer
>>> from lasagne.layers import BiasLayer, NonlinearityLayer
>>> from lasagne.layers import unfold_bias_and_nonlinearity_layers
>>> from lasagne.layers import get_all_layers
>>> from lasagne.nonlinearities import tanh, sigmoid, identity
>>> l_in = InputLayer((100, 20))
>>> l1 = DenseLayer(l_in, num_units=50, nonlinearity=tanh)
>>> l_out = DenseLayer(l1, num_units=10, nonlinearity=sigmoid)
>>> l_out = unfold_bias_and_nonlinearity_layers(l_out)
layers = get_all_layers(layer)
incoming = layers[0]
for ii, layer in enumerate(layers[1:]):
layer.input_layer = incoming
# Check if the layer has a bias
b = getattr(layer, 'b', None)
add_bias = False
# Check if the layer has a nonlinearity
nonlinearity = getattr(layer, 'nonlinearity', None)
add_nonlinearity = False
if b is not None and not isinstance(layer, BiasLayer):
layer.b = None
del layer.params[b]
add_bias = True
if (nonlinearity is not None and
not isinstance(layer, NonlinearityLayer) and
nonlinearity != nonlinearities.identity):
layer.nonlinearity = nonlinearities.identity
add_nonlinearity = True
if add_bias:
layer = BiasLayer(
if add_nonlinearity:
layer = NonlinearityLayer(
incoming = layer
return layer
# Alias
expand_nonlinearity_layers = unfold_bias_and_nonlinearity_layers
if __name__ == '__main__':
input_shape = (100, 30)
l_in = lasagne.layers.InputLayer(input_shape)
l1 = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(l_in, 30, b=None,
l2 = lasagne.layers.BiasLayer(l1)
l3 = lasagne.layers.NonlinearityLayer(l2)
l4 = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(l3, 10, b=None,
l5 = lasagne.layers.BiasLayer(l4)
l6 = lasagne.layers.NonlinearityLayer(l5)
all_layer_names = [l.__class__.__name__ for l in get_all_layers(l6)]
l6_e = unfold_bias_and_nonlinearity_layers(l6)
all_layer_names_e = [l.__class__.__name__ for l in get_all_layers(l6)]
print all([i == j for i, j in zip(all_layer_names, all_layer_names_e)])
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