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Created September 10, 2013 08:53
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Hack to make Korma select for update
(ns korma-for-update
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[korma.core :refer [entity-fields defentity select* as-sql exec-raw]]
[korma.db :refer (postgres defdb)]))
;; TODO: use your local db
(defdb local (postgres {:db "neotyk"
:user "neotyk"
:host "localhost"
:password ""}))
;; on psql:
;; neotyk=# create table t1 (id serial primary key, v varchar(8));
(defentity t1 (entity-fields :id :v))
;; Populate test data at psql:
;; neotyk=# insert into t1 (v) values ('boo');
(deftest a-test
(testing "select for update"
;; assuming that on psql:
;; neotyk=# select * from t1;
;; id | v
;; ----+-----
;; 1 | boo
;; (1 row)
(is (= [{:v "boo" :id 1}]
(-> (select* t1)
(#(str (as-sql %) " for update"))
(exec-raw :results))))))
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