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Created December 29, 2022 11:58
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Simple Hyperbolic tiling animation using taichi
import taichi as ti
from taichi.math import *
# ----------------------------------------------
# global settings
pqr = (3, 3, 7)
resolution = (640, 400) # window resolution
inf = -1
inf_cos = 1.1 # =1 for paracompact tiling and >1 for noncompact tiling
max_iterations = 15
black_region_size = 0.065 # control size of the black region
klein_model = False # if you want to draw the tiling in Klein model
rotate_pattern = True
# ----------------------------------------------
# the pixels array we will draw on
pixels = ti.Vector.field(3, float, shape=resolution)
# mA, mB, (cen, rad) are the 3 reflection mirrors, where mA, mB are lines
# and (cen, rad) represents a circle
# v0, m0 are two vertices of the fundamental triangle, (0, 0) is the 3rd one
# ----------------------------------------------
# some glsl-style helper functions
def rotate2d(p, ang):
ca = ti.cos(ang)
sa = ti.sin(ang)
return ti.Matrix([[ca, sa], [-sa, ca]]) @ p
# ----------------------------------------------
# routines for compute the tiling
def dihedral(x):
return inf_cos if x == inf else ti.cos(pi / float(x))
def init_tiling_data(pqr):
:param pqr: the hyperbolic triangle group (p, q, r) of the tiling.
Here the first entry `p` must be finite, i.e. 2 <= p < inf.
p, q, r = pqr
cos_AB = dihedral(p)
sin_AB = ti.sqrt(1 - cos_AB * cos_AB)
cos_AC = dihedral(q)
cos_BC = dihedral(r)
mA = vec2(1, 0)
mB = vec2(-cos_AB, sin_AB)
k1 = cos_AC
k2 = (cos_BC + cos_AB * cos_AC) / sin_AB
rad = 1 / ti.sqrt(k1 * k1 + k2 * k2 - 1)
cen = vec2(k1 * rad, k2 * rad)
delta = rad * rad - cen[0] * cen[0]
v0 = vec2(0, 1)
if delta >= 0:
v0 = vec2(0, cen.y - ti.sqrt(delta))
n = vec2(-mB.y, mB.x)
b =
c = cen.norm_sqr() - rad * rad
k = -1
if b * b >= c:
k = b + ti.sqrt(b * b - c)
m0 = k * n
return mA, mB, cen, rad, v0, m0
def try_reflect_line(p, n, count: ti.template()):
"""Try to reflect a point `p` about a line with normal `n` and update `count`.
k =
if k < 0:
p -= 2. * k * n
count += 1
return p
def try_reflect_circ(p, center, radius, count: ti.template()):
"""Try to invert a point `p` about a circle `(center, radius)` and update `count`.
dist = (p - center).norm() - radius
if dist < 0:
p -= center
p *= (radius * radius) / p.norm_sqr()
p += center
count += 1
return p
def fold(p, count: ti.template()):
"""Iteratively map a point `p` into the fundamental triangle.
for _ in ti.static(range(max_iterations)):
p = try_reflect_line(p, mA, count)
p = try_reflect_line(p, mB, count)
p = try_reflect_circ(p, cen, rad, count)
return p
# ----------------------------------------------
# render functions
def sBox(p, b):
d = abs(p) - b
return ti.min(ti.max(d.x, d.y), 0.) + ti.max(d, 0.).norm()
def lBox(p, a, b, ew):
x, y = b - a
ang = ti.atan2(y, x)
p -= (a + b) / 2
p = rotate2d(p, ang)
l = vec2((b - a).norm(), ew)
return sBox(p, (l + ew) / 2.)
def mouse_inversion(p, mouse):
W, H = resolution
mouse = 2 * mouse - 1
mouse.x *= W / H
if mouse.norm() < 1e-3:
mouse += 1e-3
if abs(mouse.x) > 0.7 or abs(mouse.y) > 0.7:
mouse *= 0.98
k = 1.0 / mouse.norm_sqr()
invCtr = mouse * k
t = (k - 1.0) / (p - invCtr).norm_sqr()
p = mix(invCtr, p, t)
p.x *= -1.0
return p
def render(iTime: ti.f32, mouse_x: ti.f32, mouse_y: ti.f32):
W, H = resolution
for ix, iy in pixels:
# map screen coordinates to complex plane points
uv = vec2((2. * ix / W - 1) * W / H, 2. * iy / H - 1) * 1.05
p = uv
if ti.static(rotate_pattern):
p = mouse_inversion(p, vec2(mouse_x, mouse_y))
p = rotate2d(p, iTime / 16)
if p.norm() > 1: # invert if p is outside of the unit disk
p /= p.norm_sqr()
if ti.static(klein_model):
p = p / (1 + ti.sqrt(1 - p.norm_sqr()))
count = 0
p = fold(p, count)
ln = ln2 = pnt = 1e5
ln = ti.min(ln, lBox(p, vec2(0), v0, 0.007))
ln = ti.min(ln, lBox(p, vec2(0), m0, 0.007))
ln = ti.min(ln, (p - cen).norm() - rad - 0.007)
ln2 = ti.min(ln2, lBox(p, vec2(0), m0, .007))
pnt = ti.min(pnt, (p - v0).norm())
pnt = ti.min(pnt, (p - m0).norm())
cir = uv.norm()
# smoothing factor
ssf = (2 - smoothstep(0, 0.25, abs(cir - 1.) - 0.25))
sf = 2.0 * ssf / H
# color map
cm = count * pi / 4.0
oCol = 0.55 + 0.45 * ti.cos(vec3(cm, cm + 1, cm + 2))
pat = smoothstep(0, 0.25, abs(fract(ln2 * 50.0 - 0.2) - 0.5) * 2.0 - 0.2)
sh = clamp(0.65 + ln / v0.y * 4, 0, 1)
col = ti.min(oCol * (pat * 0.2 + 0.9) * sh, 1.0)
col = mix(col, vec3(0), 1 - smoothstep(0, sf, ln))
col = mix(col, vec3(0), 1 - smoothstep(0, sf, -(ln - black_region_size)))
pnt -= .032
pnt = ti.min(pnt, p.norm() - .032)
col = mix(col, vec3(0), 1 - smoothstep(0, sf, pnt))
col = mix(col, vec3(1, .8, .3), 1 - smoothstep(0, sf, pnt + .02))
bg = vec3(1, .2, .4)
bg *= 0.7 * (mix(col, vec3(1) * (, .587, .114))), .5) * 0.5 + .5)
pat = smoothstep(0, 0.25, abs(fract((uv.x - uv.y) * 43. - .25) - .5) * 2. - .5)
bg *= ti.max(1 - cir * 0.5, 0.) * (pat * .2 + .9)
col = mix(col, vec3(0), (1 - smoothstep(0, sf * 10., abs(cir - 1.) - .05)) * .7)
col = mix(col, vec3(0), (1 - smoothstep(0, sf * 2., abs(cir - 1.) - .05)))
col = mix(col, vec3(0.9) + bg, (1 - smoothstep(0, sf, abs(cir - 1.) - .03)))
col = mix(col, col * max(1 - cir * 0.5, 0), (1 - smoothstep(0, sf, -cir + 1.05)))
col = mix(col, bg, (1 - smoothstep(0, sf, -cir + 1.05)))
col = mix(col, vec3(0), (1 - smoothstep(0, sf, abs(cir - 1.035) - .03)) * .8)
col = mix(col, 1 - ti.exp(-col), .35)
col = clamp(col, 0, 1)
col = ti.sqrt(col)
pixels[ix, iy] = col
if __name__ == "__main__":
mA, mB, cen, rad, v0, m0 = init_tiling_data(pqr)
gui = ti.GUI("Hyperbolic Tiling", res=resolution)
mouse_x, mouse_y = 0.0, 0.0
for i in range(1000000):
if gui.is_pressed(ti.GUI.ESCAPE):
if gui.is_pressed(ti.GUI.LMB):
mouse_x, mouse_y = gui.get_cursor_pos()
render(i * 0.03, mouse_x, mouse_y)
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