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Created June 30, 2013 01:38
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Project Euler 11: Largest product in a grid
package ysl.p11
object Direction extends Enumeration {
type Direction = Value
val Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal = Value
class LargestProductInGrid(val grid:List[List[Int]]) {
import Direction._
val width:Int = grid(0).length
require(grid.forall( _.length == width ))
val height:Int = grid.length
var direction:Direction = Direction.Horizontal
private val count = 4
def elems(dir:Direction = direction, count:Int = count)(x:Int, y:Int):List[Int] = {
if (count == 0)
grid(y)(x) :: (dir match {
case Horizontal => elems(dir, count-1)(x+1,y)
case Vertical => elems(dir, count-1)(x, y+1)
case Diagonal => elems(dir, count-1)(x+1, y+1)
// TODO: 1) for generator 활용, 2) pattern matching
def largestProduct:Int = {
def _largestProduct(dir:Direction):Int = {
var result:Int = 0
val limit_x = dir match {
case Horizontal | Diagonal => width - count
case Vertical => height - 1
val limit_y = dir match {
case Vertical | Diagonal => height - count
case Horizontal => width -1
for(y <- 0 to limit_y; x <- 0 to limit_x) {
val product = elems(dir)(x,y).reduceLeft((p, elem) => p*elem)
if (product > result) result = product
println( Direction, result)
} _largestProduct(_)).max
package ysl.p11
import org.scalatest.FunSpec
class LargestProductInGridSpec extends FunSpec {
// project euler 11 20*20 matrix
val matrix_large: List[List[Int]] = List(
List(8, 2, 22, 97, 38, 15, 0, 40, 0, 75, 4, 5, 7, 78, 52, 12, 50, 77, 91, 8),
List(49, 49, 99, 40, 17, 81, 18, 57, 60, 87, 17, 40, 98, 43, 69, 48, 4, 56, 62, 0),
List(81, 49, 31, 73, 55, 79, 14, 29, 93, 71, 40, 67, 53, 88, 30, 3, 49, 13, 36, 65),
List(52, 70, 95, 23, 4, 60, 11, 42, 69, 24, 68, 56, 1, 32, 56, 71, 37, 2, 36, 91),
List(22, 31, 16, 71, 51, 67, 63, 89, 41, 92, 36, 54, 22, 40, 40, 28, 66, 33, 13, 80),
List(24, 47, 32, 60, 99, 3, 45, 2, 44, 75, 33, 53, 78, 36, 84, 20, 35, 17, 12, 50),
List(32, 98, 81, 28, 64, 23, 67, 10, 26, 38, 40, 67, 59, 54, 70, 66, 18, 38, 64, 70),
List(67, 26, 20, 68, 2, 62, 12, 20, 95, 63, 94, 39, 63, 8, 40, 91, 66, 49, 94, 21),
List(24, 55, 58, 5, 66, 73, 99, 26, 97, 17, 78, 78, 96, 83, 14, 88, 34, 89, 63, 72),
List(21, 36, 23, 9, 75, 0, 76, 44, 20, 45, 35, 14, 0, 61, 33, 97, 34, 31, 33, 95),
List(78, 17, 53, 28, 22, 75, 31, 67, 15, 94, 3, 80, 4, 62, 16, 14, 9, 53, 56, 92),
List(16, 39, 5, 42, 96, 35, 31, 47, 55, 58, 88, 24, 0, 17, 54, 24, 36, 29, 85, 57),
List(86, 56, 0, 48, 35, 71, 89, 7, 5, 44, 44, 37, 44, 60, 21, 58, 51, 54, 17, 58),
List(19, 80, 81, 68, 5, 94, 47, 69, 28, 73, 92, 13, 86, 52, 17, 77, 4, 89, 55, 40),
List(4, 52, 8, 83, 97, 35, 99, 16, 7, 97, 57, 32, 16, 26, 26, 79, 33, 27, 98, 66),
List(88, 36, 68, 87, 57, 62, 20, 72, 3, 46, 33, 67, 46, 55, 12, 32, 63, 93, 53, 69),
List(4, 42, 16, 73, 38, 25, 39, 11, 24, 94, 72, 18, 8, 46, 29, 32, 40, 62, 76, 36),
List(20, 69, 36, 41, 72, 30, 23, 88, 34, 62, 99, 69, 82, 67, 59, 85, 74, 4, 36, 16),
List(20, 73, 35, 29, 78, 31, 90, 1, 74, 31, 49, 71, 48, 86, 81, 16, 23, 57, 5, 54),
List(1, 70, 54, 71, 83, 51, 54, 69, 16, 92, 33, 48, 61, 43, 52, 1, 89, 19, 67, 48))
val matrix_small = List(
describe("특정 위치에서 각 방향의 연속된 원소 가져오기") {
val grid = new LargestProductInGrid(matrix_large)
// partially applied functions
val horizontalElems = grid.elems(Direction.Horizontal, 4)_
val verticalElems = grid.elems(Direction.Vertical, 4)_
val diagonalElems = grid.elems(Direction.Diagonal, 4)_
it("(0,0)위치에서 가로, 세로, 대각선 방향으로 4개의 원소 가져오기") {
assert(horizontalElems(0, 0) == List(8, 2, 22, 97))
assert(verticalElems(0, 0) == List(8, 49, 81, 52))
assert(diagonalElems(0, 0) == List(8, 49, 31, 23))
it("fetch four horizontally sequential elememts from position 16, 16)") {
assert(horizontalElems(16, 16) == List(40, 62, 76, 36))
assert(verticalElems(16, 16) == List(40, 74, 23, 89))
assert(diagonalElems(16, 16) == List(40, 4, 5, 48))
describe("연속된 원소의 곱하기 중 최댓값 구하기(small set)") {
val grid_small = new LargestProductInGrid(matrix_small)
it("최댓값은 4^4 == 256") {
assert(grid_small.largestProduct == 4 * 4 * 4 * 4)
describe("연속된 원소의 곱하기 중 최댓값 구하기(large set)") {
val grid_large = new LargestProductInGrid(matrix_large)
it("20 * 20 행렬 내 연속된 네 자리수 곱의 최댓값은?") {
println("Largest product in 20*20 matrix is %d".format(grid_large.largestProduct))
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