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Last active January 1, 2020 23:05
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* OGP - Open Game Panel
* Copyright (C) 2008 - 2017 The OGP Development Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
chdir(realpath(dirname(__FILE__))); /* Change to the current file path */
chdir("../.."); /* Base path to ogp web files */
// Report all PHP errors
// Path definitions
require_once CONFIG_FILE;
// Connect to the database server and select database.
$db = createDatabaseConnection($db_type, $db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name, $table_prefix);
$panel_settings = $db->getSettings();
if( isset($panel_settings['time_zone']) && $panel_settings['time_zone'] != "" )
$user_homes = $db->resultQuery( "SELECT *
FROM " . $table_prefix . "billing_orders
WHERE end_date>0 AND end_date<".$today );
if (!is_array($user_homes))
echo "Nothing to do.\n";
foreach($user_homes as $user_home)
$user_id = $user_home['user_id'];
$home_id = $user_home['home_id'];
$home_info = $db->getGameHomeWithoutMods($home_id);
$server_info = $db->getRemoteServerById($home_info['remote_server_id']);
$remote = new OGPRemoteLibrary($server_info['agent_ip'], $server_info['agent_port'], $server_info['encryption_key'],$server_info['timeout']);
$ftp_login = isset($home_info['ftp_login']) ? $home_info['ftp_login'] : $home_id;
$remote->ftp_mgr("userdel", $ftp_login);
$server_xml = read_server_config(SERVER_CONFIG_LOCATION."/".$home_info['home_cfg_file']);
if(isset($server_xml->control_protocol_type))$control_type = $server_xml->control_protocol_type; else $control_type = "";
$addresses = $db->getHomeIpPorts($home_id);
foreach($addresses as $address)
$db->unassignHomeFrom("user", $user_id, $home_id);
// Reset the invoice end date
$db->query( "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "billing_orders
SET end_date=-1
WHERE order_id=".$db->realEscapeSingle($user_home['order_id']));
//echo "Home ID $home_id unassigned succesfull.";
echo "Invoice enabled for $home_id\n";
// Enviar e-mail de notificação
if( empty( $panel_settings['panel_name'] ) )
$subject = "Open Game Panel :: Servidor a expirar";
$subject = $panel_settings['panel_name'] . " :: Servidor a expirar";
$email = $db->resultQuery( "SELECT DISTINCT users_email
FROM " . $table_prefix . "users
WHERE user_id = " . $user_id)[0]["users_email"];
$message = "Um ou mais dos seus servidores estão prestes a expirar. Faça o login <a href=''>aqui</a> e vá até a loja e, em seguida, ao carrinho de compras para estender o(s) seu(s) servidor(es).
<br> Para pagamento sem taxa, fale com o staff <a href=''>aqui.</a>, antes de acabar o prazo.
<br> Os seus servidores serão desativados daqui a 5 dias se não forem renovados, a fatura será removida do seu carrinho, e os servidores ficam inutilizáveis daqui a 12 dias.<br>
<br> Atenção não vai receber mais nenhuma notificação!!<br>
<br> Obrigado!
<br> Atentamente,
<br> Equipa de staff
<br> Esta é uma mensagem automática, por favor, não responda!";
$mail = mymail($email, $subject, $message, $panel_settings);
if ($mail) {
echo "Expired server email send successful.";
mymail($panel_settings['smtp_login'], $subject, $message, $panel_settings); // Envia cópia para admin
} else {
echo "Expired server email send UNSUCCESSFUL.";
$user_homes = $db->resultQuery( "SELECT *
FROM " . $table_prefix . "billing_orders
WHERE end_date=-1 AND finish_date>0 AND finish_date<".$today );
if (!is_array($user_homes))
echo "Any server finishes now.";
foreach($user_homes as $user_home)
$user_id = $user_home['user_id'];
$home_id = $user_home['home_id'];
$home_info = $db->getGameHomeWithoutMods($home_id);
$server_info = $db->getRemoteServerById($home_info['remote_server_id']);
$remote = new OGPRemoteLibrary($server_info['agent_ip'], $server_info['agent_port'], $server_info['encryption_key'],$server_info['timeout']);
// Remove the game home from db
// Remove the game home files from remote server
// Set order as not installed
$db->query( "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "billing_orders
SET home_id=0
WHERE cart_id=".$db->realEscapeSingle($ipn['item_number']));
// Reset the invoice end date
$db->query( "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "billing_orders
SET end_date=-2
WHERE order_id=".$db->realEscapeSingle($user_home['order_id']));
$db->query( "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "billing_orders
SET finish_date=-2
WHERE order_id=".$db->realEscapeSingle($user_home['order_id']));
echo "Home ID $home_id finished completely.";
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