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Last active March 18, 2017 18:55
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Radial Blog Feature

Tell us a little about your background.

I was an SEO guy when I started dabbling in web development. The digital marketing company I worked for did a bit of design and development as well and I always found myself trying to sneak into projects that required me to write code. It was all front end stuff at this point: HTML, CSS, a little jQuery. I was terrible at it of course, but it was way more fun than keyword research or link outreach.

I kept looking for practical ways of practicing my new hobby, and because I worked with spreadsheets so often, I started writing Ruby scripts to automate all the repetitive tasks I dreaded doing manually. Eventually, I started digging into Rails so I could build some ridiculous app ideas I had that were clearly never going to go anywhere. They didn't, but I learned a lot and eventually decided I wanted to leave the digital marketing world and be a developer.

Lots of books, tutorials, blood sweat and tears later, I landed an internship with this pretty cool little company called Radial.

What do you do with Radial?

It's too early to say what my role will be, or if I'll have a strictly defined role at all. For now, I'm jumping around trying to help wherever I can. And probably annoying the other devs with my questions just a little.

What are you most excited about for your new position with Radial?

Where to start. I'm...

  • super excited to be getting out of the bedroom-office and be working with people.
  • stoked to be surrounded with experienced developers who can answer questions and help me learn.
  • thrilled to finally be getting real world experience working on production applications.
  • inspired to look for opportunities to help the company do better work and grow.

What else can you share about yourself that isn't coding related?

My full first name is Eliathah, I'm half Greek, I have 7 siblings, I was born in a little hillbilly town in New Hampshire, I was obnoxiously obsessed with football and basketball in highschool, but I'm also pretty damn geeky (does this qualify me for brogrammer status?).

I love traveling (does anyone not?), playing guitar, drinking wine (and beer, and etc...), reading pretentious books (really just being pretentious in general), and I still enjoy a good game of pickup basketball.

I have what you might call an eclectic group of friends (odd may be a better word), and once in a while I like to put the world on hold to just kick back with them and do absolutely nothing.

Lastly, I know this was supposed to be non-code-related, but I really do dig learning and improving my skills in my field of work. I love writing code!

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