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Created April 27, 2015 21:37
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Save nerdalert/9d12822ea682e7bffce6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ docker-machine -D create \
> --driver amazonec2 \
> --amazonec2-access-key $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID \
> --amazonec2-secret-key $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY \
> --amazonec2-vpc-id $AWS_VPC_ID \
> test-instance6
INFO[0000] Launching instance...
DEBU[0001] creating key pair: test-instance6
DEBU[0001] configuring security group in vpc-42dffc27
DEBU[0001] found existing security group (docker-machine) in vpc-42dffc27
DEBU[0001] configuring security group authorization for
DEBU[0001] launching instance in subnet subnet-209c260b
DEBU[0002] waiting for ip address to become available
DEBU[0021] Got the IP Address, it's ""
DEBU[0021] created instance ID i-efc00f39, IP address, Private IP address
DEBU[0021] Settings tags for instance
DEBU[0021] Getting to WaitForSSH function...
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