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Created October 3, 2022 16:01
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
pragma solidity >=0.8.14;
import {IProjectManagement} from "";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
// import "hardhat/console.sol";
@notice Project management extension for KaliDAO
DAO token holders aprove and activate Projects that authorize a specific project manager to
issue DAO tokens to contributors in accordance with
the terms of the project:
- budget: A manager can order mint of DAO tokens up to a given budget.
- deadline: A manager cannot order token mints after the project deadline expires.
- goals: A manager is expected to act in accordance with the goals outlined in the DAO project proposal.
A project's manager, budget, deadline and goals can be updated via DAO proposal.
A project has exactly one manager. A manager may be assigned to 0, 1 or multiple projects.
Modeled after KaliShareManager.sol
(c) 2022 sporosdao.eth
@author ivelin.eth
contract ProjectManagement is ReentrancyGuard {
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Events
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
event ExtensionSet(
address indexed dao,
Project project
event ExtensionCalled(
address indexed dao,
uint256 projectId,
address toContributorAccount,
uint256 mintAmount,
string tribute
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Errors
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
error ProjectNotEnoughBudget();
error ProjectExpired();
error ProjectManagerNeedsDaoTokens();
error ProjectUnknown();
error ForbiddenDifferentDao();
error ForbiddenSenderNotManager();
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Project Management Storage
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct Project {
uint256 id; // unique project identifier
address dao; // the address of the DAO that this project belongs to
address manager; // manager assigned to this project
uint256 budget; // maximum allowed tokens the manager is authorized to mint
uint256 deadline; // deadline date of the project
string goals; // structured text referencing key goals for the manager's mandate
// unique project id auto-increment
// Starts at 100 leaving 0-99 as reserved for potential future special use cases.
// 0 is reserved for a new project proposal that has not been processed and assigned an id yet.
uint256 public nextProjectId = 100;
// project id -> Project mapping
mapping(uint256 => Project) public projects;
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Management Settings
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@notice A DAO calls this method to activate an approved Project Proposal.
@param extensionData : Contains DAO approved projects parameters; either new or existing project updates. New projects must have id of 0.
function setExtension(bytes calldata extensionData) external payable {
// console.log("(EVM)---->: setExtension called by ", msg.sender);
uint256 id,
address manager,
uint256 budget,
uint256 deadline,
string memory goals
) = abi.decode(
(uint256, address, uint256, uint256, string)
// A project maanger must be a trusted DAO token holder
uint256 managerTokens = IERC20(msg.sender).balanceOf(manager);
// console.log("(EVM)----> setExtension(dao, manager, managerTokens): ", msg.sender, manager, managerTokens);
if ( managerTokens == 0) revert ProjectManagerNeedsDaoTokens();
Project memory projectUpdate; = id;
projectUpdate.manager = manager;
projectUpdate.budget = budget;
projectUpdate.deadline = deadline;
projectUpdate.goals = goals;
projectUpdate.dao = msg.sender;
Project memory savedProject;
if ( == 0) {
// id == 0 means new Project creation
// assign next id and auto increment id counter = nextProjectId;
// cannot realistically overflow
unchecked {
} else {
savedProject = projects[];
// someone is trying to update a non-existent project
if ( == 0) revert ProjectUnknown();
// someone is trying to update a project that belongs to a different DAO address
// only the DAO that created a project can modify it
if (savedProject.dao != msg.sender) revert ForbiddenDifferentDao();
// if all safety checks passed, create/update project
projects[] = projectUpdate;
emit ExtensionSet(msg.sender, projectUpdate);
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Project Management Logic
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@notice An authorized project manager calls this method to order a DAO token mint to contributors.
@param dao - the dao that the project manager is authorized to manage.
@param extensionData - contains a list of tuples: (project id, recipient contributor account, amount to mint).
function callExtension(address dao, bytes[] calldata extensionData)
// console.log("(EVM)---->: callExtension called. DAO address:", dao);
for (uint256 i; i < extensionData.length;) {
// console.log("(EVM)----> i = ", i);
uint256 projectId,
address toContributorAccount,
uint256 mintAmount,
string memory tribute
) = abi.decode(extensionData[i], (uint256, address, uint256, string));
Project storage project = projects[projectId];
// console.log("(EVM)----> projectId, toContributorAccount, mintAmount:", projectId, toContributorAccount, mintAmount);
// console.log("(EVM)----> projectId, toContributorAccount, deliverable:", projectId, toContributorAccount, tribute);
if ( == 0) revert ProjectUnknown();
if (project.manager != msg.sender) revert ForbiddenSenderNotManager();
if (project.deadline < block.timestamp) revert ProjectExpired();
if (project.budget < mintAmount) revert ProjectNotEnoughBudget();
project.budget -= mintAmount;
// console.log("(EVM)----> updated project budget:", project.budget);
// cannot realistically overflow
unchecked {
emit ExtensionCalled(dao, projectId, toContributorAccount, mintAmount, tribute);
// console.log("(EVM)----> firing event ExtensionCalled()");
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