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Created February 10, 2013 08:45
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Save nerdfiles/4748910 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hooking it up.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body onLoad="createVideo(1, 640, 360, 'DVX9dAj8e8w', 'small', 'light', 1);">
<div id="div_theVideo1" style="width:640px; height:360px; background-color: #CCC;"></div>
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Play" onClick="document.getElementById('div_theVideo1').childNode.playVideo();">
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// Load YouTube IFrame Player API code "asynchronously."
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tag.src = "";
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firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
var plyr;
function createVideo(inPlayerNumber, inWidth, inHeight, inYouTubeVideoId, invidquality, invidcolor, inVidControlsOffOn) {
plyr = new YT.Player("div_theVideo" + inPlayerNumber, {
playerVars: {
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vq: invidquality,
theme: invidcolor,
showinfo: 1,
controls: inVidControlsOffOn,
wmode: 'opaque',
autoplay: 1
height: inHeight,
width: inWidth,
videoId: inYouTubeVideoId
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